312 Road Capital Projects Fund
<br />FY07FY07FY07
<br />doptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />A
<br />L3,897,145(3,720,022)a177,123
<br />L
<br /> Intergovernmental03,473,613b,e,f3,473,613
<br /> Charges for Services0691,067b,e691,067
<br /> Miscellaneous43,00040,000b83,000
<br /> Interfund Transfers460,00058,000c518,000
<br />Total Revenue503,0004,262,6804,765,680
<br />TOTAL RESOURCE4,400,14542,6584,942,803
<br />S5
<br />Capital Projects
<br /> Capital Projects460,000356,024b,c,f816,024
<br /> Capital Carryover3,298,321619,480d3,917,801
<br />Total Capital Projects3,758,321975,5044,733,825
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Debt Service6,00006,000
<br /> Interfund Loans98,700098,700
<br /> Balance Available537,124(432,846)a,b,d,e104,278
<br />641,82
<br />Total Non-Departmental4(432,846)208,978
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENT4,400,14542,6584,942,803
<br />S5
<br />312 Road Capital Projects Fund
<br />a) Decrease the budgeted Beginning Working Capital by $3,720,022 and reduce Balance Available y
<br />the same amount. The adjustment brings the FY07 Budgeted Beginning Working Capital in
<br />compliance with the audited FY06 actual revenues and expenditures.
<br />b) Recognize FY07 grant and IGA revenue of $116,024, charges for service revenue of $91,067,
<br />miscellaneous revenue of $40,000 and decrease Balance Available by $38,933 to establish capital
<br />appropriation of $286,024 for externally funded projects.
<br />c) Appropriate $58,000 for Crest Context Sensitive Solution Street Design process from General
<br />Fund contingency.
<br />d) Increase the capital carryover by $619,480 and decrease Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />This action reconciles the FY07 Capital Carryover Estimate to the actual ending FY06 capital projects
<br />balance and carry forward.
<br />e) Rebudget intergovernmental revenue of $3,345,589 and charges for service revenue of $600,000
<br />supporting already budgeted capital projects and increase Balance Available by $3,945,589.
<br />f) Re-budget expected grant revenue of $12,000 and increase the capital budget for the Walnut
<br />Station Mixed Use Center, Phase II TGM grant.
<br />