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Departments and our inderpartmental Environmental Policy Team, which has been the catalyst for many <br />initiatives. <br />Other communities cited in the book include Austin, TX; Baltimore County, MD; Ft. Collins, CO; Sanibel, <br />FL; Dane County, WI; Pima County, AZ; Placer County, CA; and Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN. <br /> <br />Nature-Friendly Communities is available at the University of Oregon Bookstore, Borders and Barnes <br />and Noble and should be available at smaller bookstores soon. For more information on this book, visit <br /> For more information about the West Eugene Wetlands or other programs <br />cited in the book, contact Eric Wold at 682-4888. <br /> <br />Outreach Under Way To Gather Ideas for River Avenue Improvements <br />An outreach process is under way in response to direction from the council in April that Public Works <br />staff continues working with the community on the design of River Avenue improvements. The first <br />River Avenue outreach meeting was held Thursday, June 23. It drew 11 attendees, mostly property <br />owners, who offered numerous comments and suggestions on both the outreach process and the initial <br />design of River Avenue improvements. That same evening, City Engineer Mark Schoening met with the <br />River Road-Santa Clara Transition Task Team to explain the process that will be used to gather input <br />and formulate recommendations on improvements. <br /> <br />Additional outreach meetings are scheduled in the coming month. At the recommendation of the River <br />Road Community Organization, more than 6,000 postcards are being mailed this week to River Road <br />area residents to let them know about a City-sponsored session on July 11. Each meeting will include a <br />summary of the project to date, a review of the stakeholder process currently under way, a brief staff <br />presentation on a design concept previously prepared for River Avenue, and plenty of time for comments <br />on specific design elements and questions about the project. The meeting schedule is as follows: <br /> <br /> · Thursday, July 7, 7:30 p.m. - Santa Clara Community Organization, Santa Clara Civic Center, <br /> 2615 River Road <br /> · Monday, July 11, 7 to 9 p.m. - River Road area residents and interested parties, River Road Park <br /> District Annex, 1055 River Road <br /> · Monday, July 18, 7 to 9 p.m. - Eugene Bicycle Coalition, Eugene Public Works Building, 858 <br /> Pearl Street <br /> <br />After these meetings, a group of stakeholders will convene, and the comments and suggestions received <br />during the input phase will be reviewed. The stakeholders and staff will work toward consensus on a <br />preferred design alternative. In October, the council will be presented with the results of the outreach to <br />the community and a recommended design for River Avenue improvements. For more information, <br />contact Project Manager Joe Ramirez at 682-5228, or by email at joe.f, ramirez@ci.eugene.or, us. <br /> <br />Crews Beqin 'Pull-In' Proqram to Clean Wastewater Lines in Easements <br />Public Works Maintenance wastewater crews have begun what has become a rite of summer: cleaning <br />sewer lines in easements located on private property. This summer, two four-person crews are scheduled <br />to clean approximately 850 wastewater collection segments. <br /> <br />The annual work effort is called the "pull-in" program because to get 600 to 800 feet of cleaning hose into <br />an easement behind a house or down into an undeveloped ravine in the south hills requires pulling the <br />hose off a truck-mounted reel and dragging it through gates or fences and around landscaping. Over the <br />years, crew members have designed and built a variety of specialty tools, mainly rollers, to keep the <br />sewer-cleaning hose from chafing on fences and foundations as well as preventing damage to <br />landscaping and shrubbery. <br /> <br />The program starts in May with the identification of maintenance needs and matching up manhole <br />locations with house addresses in the various drainage basins around the city. A computerized <br />maintenance management system is used to map off-street lines, track sewer cleaning and repair work, <br />and develop "pull-in" schedules that maximize the efficient use of staff and equipment. <br /> <br />Before cleaning segments, the "pull-in" program operators contact property owners for entry. If a property <br />owner is not available, a door hanger is left asking the property owner to call Public Works Maintenance. <br />If the manhole is located in an undeveloped area, the area may need to be cleared of blackberries or <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 <br />June 30, 2005 <br /> <br /> <br />