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Ordinance No. 20420
City of Eugene
2008 No. 20401-20425
Ordinance No. 20420
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:50:44 PM
Creation date
8/20/2008 6:05:40 PM
Council Ordinances
Vacating a Portion of Villard Alley Right-Of-Way Between East 13th Avenue & East 15th Avenue
Approved Date
Kitty Piercy
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<br />enhanced through the consolidation of the site, including the provision of improved access for <br />pedestrians and bicycles. As a result, vacation of Villard Alley will be in the public interest. <br />Detailed findings to support these conclusions are provided below. <br /> <br />The benefit of the alley to the transportation system is, and has been very limited. The portion of <br />Villard Alley (Ordinance A) proposed for vacation has been gated for years (on the south side of the <br />former Williams Bakery site) because of safety conflicts between trucks and pedestrians. The <br />alley's current circumstances also provide minimal benefit to the public. The University now owns <br />all of the land adjacent to Villard Alley. Therefore, there are no other properties which directly <br />depend on this portion of Villard Alley for access. The alley also provides little benefit to <br />pedestrians and bicyclists traveling between Franklin Boulevard and destinations to the south. For <br />example, access to the EmX line would be east or west of the alley to reach the stations. There are <br />no destinations other than University lands themselves that are better served by this alley. As such, <br />there is no additional out-of-direction travel for pedestrians and bicyclists necessitated by the <br />proposed vacation. <br /> <br />Public Works staffhas confirmed that adequate public rights-of-way exist to satisfy all access and <br />traffic circulation in the vicinity. Adjacent uses, which include University housing on the southern <br />half of the alley, will continue to have access from East 15th Avenue and Villard Street. As noted <br />above, businesses that had once used the northern portion of the alley for access are closed and the <br />structures have been removed from the site. In addition, consolidation of the parcels will improve <br />traffic circulation in the area by reducing the number of driveways on Villard Street. With a single <br />owner, future redevelopment of the site will be able to coordinate and consolidate driveway <br />locations and address overall circulation to a much greater degree than under separate ownership. <br /> <br />Referral comments from Public Works staff, other affected City Departments and utility providers <br />note that the provision of necessary public services and facilities such as transportation and utilities <br />in the area can be maintained upon approval of the vacation request. The City's Public Works <br />Transportation and Engineering staff and the Fire Marshal's office have confirmed that the <br />vacations would not compromise transportation, emergency access. Referral comments and letters <br />of concurrence from utility providers confirm that stormwater, wastewater, water, electric, or <br />natural gas lines located in the alley can be rerouted from Villard Alley to the street by a new public <br />utility easement as proposed by the University. The ordinance has been drafted to ensure that the <br />Villard Alley vacation is not recorded until the University has conveyed the necessary public utility <br />easement for the utility relocation. <br /> <br />The transportation system will be further improved given that future development of this site will be <br />subject to current Eugene Code Standards for commercial zones. The land use code includes <br />development standards which require sidewalks or other forms of pedestrian connections, bicycle <br />parking and the provision of pedestrian amenities. Likewise, vehicular access will be addressed to <br />ensure safe and efficient circulation. Any larger development, such as the arena, would also need to <br />comply with Traffic Impact Analysis application requirements which identify traffic impacts related <br />to a development and required mitigation. <br /> <br />The current alignment of the alley significantly limits how the eastern portion of the site can be <br />developed. Elimination of Villard Alley would provide much more flexibility to develop the site in <br /> <br />Exhibit C: Findings <br />
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