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CC Newsletter - 07/07/05
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CC Newsletter - 07/07/05
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Council Newsletter
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EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER <br />July 7, 2005 <br /> <br /> City of Eugene <br /> 777 Pearl Street, Room 105 <br /> Eugene, Oregon 97401-2793 <br /> (541) 682-5010 <br /> (541) 652-5414 (FAX) <br />, us <br /> <br />APPOINTMENT TO OREGON FACIL TIES AUTHORITY <br />BREWER PARK NEIGHBORS INVITED TO PREVIEW DRAFT PLAN FOR NEIGHBORHOOD PARK <br />THE CHIEFTAINS OPEN 2005 CUTHBERT SEASON <br />CUTHBERT AMPHITHEATER GETS READY FOR SUMMER PROGRAMMING <br /> <br />Appointment to Oreqon Facilities Authority <br />City of Eugene Financial Analysis Manager Sue Cutsogeorge has been appointed by State Treasurer <br />Randall Edwards to a four-year term on the Oregon Facilities Authority board (OFA). The authority has <br />five members and Sue is representing the membership that is knowledgeable in the field of state and <br />municipal finance. <br /> <br />The OF^ was formed by the 1989 Legislature for the purpose of creating financing alternatives for <br />qualified public and non-profit construction projects in areas such as health care, education, housing and <br />cultural facilities. Sue's appointment to the authority enhances the City of Eugene's awareness and <br />understanding of significant projects undertaken state-wide to improve the quality of life in Oregon. The <br />bonds issued for these projects are usually tax-exempt and repaid solely from revenues of the project. <br />Some projects financed through the OFA include the Oregon Aquarium and PeaceHealth's RiverBend <br />project. The OFA has also served as a conduit issuer for St. Vincent DePaul of Lane County and <br />Goodwill of Lane County. In addition to reviewing specific financing proposals for potential borrowers, <br />authority members will also undertake a strategic planning effort and review models for staffing the <br />authority. For questions about this appointment or about the OFA, please contact either Sue <br />Cutsogeorge at 682-5589 or Sue. L.Cutso~qeor~qe@ci.eugene.or. us, or Dee Ann Hardt at 682-5041 or <br />Deeann. Hardt@ci.eugene.or. us. <br /> <br />Brewer Park Neiqhbors Invited to Preview Draft Plan for Neiqhborhood Park <br />On Thursday, July 14, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Brewer Park neighbors are invited to the Sheldon Community <br />Center, 2445 Willakenzie Road, to preview the draft design for improvements to their neighborhood park, <br />located a few blocks west of Cai Young Road. The draft concept plan was prepared based on the results <br />of the first public workshop held in late May. Funded by the 1998 parks and open space bond measure, <br />the proposed improvements include a renovated playground, new park furniture, access improvements, <br />trees and shrubs. In this follow-up session, participants will have the opportunity to review the results of <br />the first workshop, discuss the draft concept plan and help prioritize improvements. <br /> <br />The 1.9-acre park currently includes a children's play area, hard-surface paths, horseshoe court, lawn <br />areas, trees and shrubs. Neighborhood parks, which serve residents within about half-mile (1 O-minute) <br />walking distance, typically include a children's play area, accessible pathways, park furniture such as <br />benches, picnic tables, trash receptacles, and open space for recreation and relaxation. They typically <br />do not include things like restrooms, off-street parking, programmed athletics, skateparks, dog off-leash <br />areas, and other facilities that attract visitors from a distance greater than the park's service area. For <br />more information or to give input, contact Park Planner Robin Hostick at 682-4915 or <br />robin.a.hostick@ci.eugene.or, us, or visit the park's webpage at, us/parks. <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 1 <br />July 7, 2005 <br /> <br /> <br />
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