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CC Minutes - 05/27/03 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 05/27/03 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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legally form the basis for an appeal. He likened the situation before the council to a situation <br />where a judge directed jury members to disregard testimony they had heard in court. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman asked if the process being proposed was the only process open to the council. She <br />preferred to reconsider the entire issue and suggested that the council retroactively extend the <br />public comment period and retain the letters in the record. Mr. Klein indicated that could be done. <br />He said that if the motion to reconsider the appeal passed, the council would be back at the point <br />of considering adoption, and then it had many options open to it. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman asked the effect of extending the record. Mr. Klein said that it raised the issue of <br />whether the public had been treated fairly, and whether other members of the public should have <br />an opportunity to raise additional issues. He suggested that if the council wanted to add the <br />letters in question to the record, it would reopen the record, add the letters, and leave the record <br />open for a period sufficient for others to provide comment. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor believed the only way that the situation could be made fair would be if the neighbors <br />had the opportunity to write a letter to the City Council regarding their version of the meeting <br />between residents and the developers that the council could be directed by the City Attorney to <br />disregard. As it was, the letters were in councilors' minds and part of the decision-making <br />process. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson said she would vote to reconsider the motion for the reasons stated by Ms. Taylor. <br />She said that if she was to disregard the letter, she would have to change the way she voted on <br />the appeal. <br /> <br /> The motion passed unanimously, 8:0. <br /> <br /> Ms. Nathanson, seconded by Mr. Meisner, moved to reject from the record <br /> Mr. Anslow's letter of May 9, Barbara Lee's letter of May 14, and any other <br /> documents from the public which were not a part of the record when it <br /> closed. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman did not see how the rejecting the letter from Mr. Anslow affected the decision-making <br />process. It was information that people had and could not easily disregard. <br /> <br /> Ms. Bettman, seconded by Ms. Taylor, moved to amend to add the May 9 <br /> letter from Mr. Anslow and the May 14 letter from Barbara Lee to the public <br /> record and to leave the record open until Tuesday, June 3, 2003, at 5:30 p.m. <br /> so that others can offer comment. The motion to amend failed, 6:2; Ms. <br /> Taylor and Ms. Bettman voting yes. <br /> <br /> The motion passed, 6:2; Ms. Taylor and Ms. Bettman voting no. <br /> <br />The council reconsidered the motion passed on May 12, 2003, which was to adopt the final order <br />included in the meeting packet providing for the Whitbeck application to go through the <br />subdivision process rather than the planned unit development (PUD) process: <br /> <br /> Mr. Pap~, seconded by Ms. Nathanson, moved to affirm the Planning <br /> Commission's decision that only the standard subdivision procedures should <br /> apply to the proposed four-lot subdivision, including the final order and <br /> <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council May 27, 2003 Page 4 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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