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MINUTES – Eugene City Council October 8, 2018 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />•It would be helpful to propose ideas that would help people to feel more connected towhere the City is trying to go. <br />•Questions asked about plans for household consumption, purchasing, use, and recovery. <br />•Questions asked about how the fuel use of planes coming in and out of our airport iscaptured. <br />•Questions asked about the community-wide inventory calculations. <br />•Concern expressed that there is not a sense of urgency because the City is behind onmeeting its timelines and goals. <br />•More frequent updates and increasing expectations for more actions from staff would behelpful <br />•As possible actions are prepared, it would be helpful to lay out both the strategies and theimpacts each would result in. <br />•Questions asked about the desired outcome for Northwest Natural Gas as a large-leverstakeholder in this dialogue. <br />•It is important not to give people the impression that making progress on CRO goalsinvolves sacrifice or is difficult or costly; there are many things that can be done better,cheaper, faster, and smarter. <br />•It is important to talk about a sense of scale and be mindful of the metrics being used,including those related to airplanes. <br />3.INFORMATION: Railroad Quiet Zone UpdateCity Engineer Mark Schoening reviewed the history of the Railroad Quiet Zone and updatedcouncil about current progress.Council Discussion <br />•Questions asked about plans for changing a section of Jefferson Street to a one-way street. <br />•Questions asked about Union Pacific’s involvement in the design work and the City’s role inpaying for it. <br />•It is important to remember that there are additional crossings outside of the downtownthat City may want to be looking ahead to. <br />•Funds from the state gas tax are being used to pay for this project, not funds from the roadbonds that voters passed. <br />•Neighbors in the Santa Clara area are asking about the railroad crossings in theirneighborhood and look forward to the Phase 2 conversation. <br />•Questions asked about whether the Railroad Quiet Zone will have negative or positiveimpacts on industrial properties in North Eugene.The meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, <br />Elena Domingo Deputy City Recorder <br />Link to the webcast of this City Council meeting: here. <br />October 22, 2018, Meeting - Item 2A