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and Open Space measure. She said that asking the voters if the Millrace was a vision they could support <br />and was the type of economic development and amenity they wanted to see downtown was appropriate, <br />although timing was an issue. She said if all of the ways tax dollars were being diverted without asking the <br />voters, such as urban renewal and MUPTE, were added up it made sense to give voters the opportunity to <br />express an opinion. She asked if the Council President intended to make a motion directing staff to return <br />with timelines for ballot measures and funding opportunities. <br /> <br />Mr. Taylor reminded the council that the multi-year financial plan would be discussed on November 17, <br />2003, and information would be provided on the revenue picture and unmet community needs beyond those <br />already discussed. He said possible ballot measures and timing issues would be discussed on November 19, <br />2003. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey asked if there were specific timelines that the Public Works Department had to meet and if so, <br />could those be provided to the council. Mr. Corey responded that the project was time-sensitive in terms of <br />moving forward with design and construction that spent dollars one time. He said staff expected to move <br />forward with the internal transportation network and courthouse beginning late in calendar year 2004 or <br />early in 2005. He commented that to the extent there was no direction on the Millrace, the street crossing <br />where the Millrace would occur would be subject to constructing once, then reconstructing for a bridge or <br />other crossing. He said to minimize expenditures and provide efficiency in the design, shortly after the first <br />of the year would be a good point to receive direction. <br /> <br />Mr. Papd stated his preference for the full daylighting option or no Millrace project at all. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey asked if any councilors supported the option for several water features in place of full <br />daylighting. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson said she supported the addition of amenities to the neighborhood if the Millrace was not <br />daylighted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Pap~ moved, seconded by Ms. Nathanson, to direct the city manager to provide <br /> the council with options for design and full reveal of the Millrace, financing, and <br /> incremental development before June 30, 2004. The motion passed unanimously. <br /> <br />The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. <br /> <br />Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br />Dennis M. Taylor <br />City Manager <br /> <br />(Recorded by Lynn Taylor) <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council November 10, 2003 Page 11 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />