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Item 4: Enterprise Zone Stds.
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 07/18/05 Mtg
Item 4: Enterprise Zone Stds.
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6/9/2010 12:45:40 PM
Creation date
7/14/2005 10:00:44 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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retention to the job cap would likely be immaterial for a majority of enterprise zone investments that <br />would most likely meet the $30,000/job cap based solely on job creation. Companies new to the area <br />(no existing jobs retained locally) making large capital investments with limited numbers of new jobs <br />would likely experience the most significant reduction in the tax exemption benefit under this revised <br />cap. Local companies that have large existing employment bases would benefit most from the revised <br />cap. Given the opinion (see issue #4 in Attachment C) that a reduction of the tax exemption benefit by <br />greater than one-third may not be allowed under State rules, it is possible that the proposed $30,000/job <br />cap could only be enforced up to this limitation. The impact of the County's addition of"job retention" <br />in the waiver provisions is not considered to be significant given that the council would be required to <br />approve such a waiver. <br /> <br />A summary of issues related to this agenda item is included in Attachment C. <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />The enterprise zone tax exemption addresses the following related City policies: <br /> <br />Sustainable Community Development - The council's Sustainable Community Development goal <br />addresses high quality of life and a healthy economy. The availability of quality jobs is a basic quality <br />of life issue. With a local unemployment rate that exceeds the national average, and local income levels <br />below state and national averages, the creation of new production sector jobs is fundamental to the <br />health of the local labor market. The creation of an enterprise zone will also provide an incentive for <br />redevelopment, infill development, and brownfield redevelopment, which are primary sustainability <br />goals. <br /> <br />Growth Management - The enterprise zone advances the City's Growth Management goals by <br />encouraging more intensive industrial development in a defined area that has been zoned accordingly, <br />and where existing public infrastructure investments have already occurred. <br /> <br />Fair, Stable, and Adequate Financial Resources - The long term property tax revenues that result from <br />new investments that are encouraged by the short-term tax exemption address the council's goal for <br />financial resources adequate to maintain and deliver municipal services. <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />The council has several options: <br /> 1. Approve a resolution that is consistent with the July 12, 2005, Lane County Board Order. <br />2. Approve a resolution which would remove the inclusion of job retention in the calculation of the cap <br /> and the cap waiver provisions, and seek the County's reconsideration of its Board Order. <br />3. Take no action at this time, and continue working with Lane County to resolve differences related to <br /> interim criteria. <br />4. Take no action, and begin working with Lane County towards the establishment of permanent local <br /> criteria. <br />5. Proceed with City Council direction to terminate the West Eugene Enterprise Zone, and rescind <br /> direction to work towards a future zone designation. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M050718\S0507184.doc <br /> <br /> <br />
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