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Transportation System Development Charge Detail <br />Transportation SDC Methodology <br />The transportation system development charge (SDC) methodology is based on a system -wide <br />cost per trip, where the costs associated with meeting future growth needs are divided by the <br />projected growth in trips. The methodology includes both improvement and reimbursement SDC <br />components. <br />Development of the SDC includes the following basic steps: <br />Determine growth in trips <br />Determine growth share of system costs <br />Calculate the system -wide costs per trip <br />Develop SDC rate schedule <br />These steps are discussed further below. <br />1.0 Growth in Trips <br />To evaluate the roadway capacity needs and the amount of vehicle trips that are generated by <br />growth, the regional travel demand model was utilized. Table B-1 shows the projected growth in <br />the number of trip ends for the 2035 Transportation System Plan period, broken down by trip ends <br />that have both an origin and destination within the City's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) (internal - <br />internal), and trip ends that have one end outside of the UGB (internal-external & external- <br />internal). <br />Like most infrastructure systems, roadway systems are designed to accommodate peak rates of <br />use, which typically occur during the weekday afternoon period between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m. <br />(the "PM peak"). Therefore, roadway system capacity is typically measured by trip generation <br />during the average weekday PM peak hour. <br />Table B-1 <br />Model Vehicle Weekday PM Peak Hour Trip Ends (within the City's Currently Acknowledged UGB) <br />CITY OF EUGENE SDC METHODOLOGIES, APPENDIX B PAGE B-2 <br />Internal -Internal <br />Internal -External & <br />External -Internal <br />Total <br />Existing Trip Ends <br />104,128 <br />52,818 <br />156,949 <br />Projected Trip Ends <br />131,128 <br />66,790 <br />197,918 <br />Growth Trip Ends <br />27,000 <br />13,972 <br />40,972 <br />Source: Lane Council of Governments EMME travel demand model for the Eugene 2035 <br />Transportation System Plan <br />CITY OF EUGENE SDC METHODOLOGIES, APPENDIX B PAGE B-2 <br />