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2.1.2 Existing System Valuation <br />The Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to produce an inventory of <br />existing arterial and collector roadways. The inventory included the necessary <br />data to determine the replacement cost of each roadway segment, broken down <br />into the following cost components: <br />• Right of way <br />• Pavement (rehabilitation and new construction costs) <br />• Curb and gutter <br />• Sidewalk <br />• Bike lanes <br />• Street lights <br />• Traffic signals <br />For roadways transferred to the City from other agencies, only the costs of <br />recent reconstruction improvements are included in the system value, since the <br />original construction was not funded by the City. Local streets are excluded <br />from the reimbursement fee cost basis, as local streets are generally funded by <br />developers or assessments. By excluding local street value, the reimbursement <br />fee excludes prior contributions by existing users consistent with ORS <br />223.304(1)(a)(B). <br />As for roadways, GIS data was used to develop an inventory of off-street bike <br />and pedestrian facilities, as well as on- and off -system bridges. The current <br />value of each facility was estimated by applying the growth in the Engineering <br />News Record Construction Cost Index since the time of construction to the <br />original facility cost. <br />The existing system value for all facilities is reduced by estimated assessments <br />and other funding sources (grants and contributions), to determine the net <br />system value. These estimates are provided in the "Assessable Cost' and <br />"Other Funding" columns on Table B-2. <br />2.1.3 Growth Share of Existing System Value (Reimbursement Fee <br />Cost Basis) <br />The reimbursement fee cost basis for roadways is determined by applying the <br />existing system reserve capacity for growth within the planning period, <br />(calculated by multiplying the net system value by the average reserve capacity <br />for each road classification). For bridges, the growth share is assumed to be <br />the system average reserve capacity (across all roadway classifications). <br />The existing system value associated with active travel modes (bicycle and <br />pedestrian facilities) is excluded from the reimbursement fee cost basis, as <br />there is no reserve capacity. As is discussed later in Section, the <br />planned level of service for bicycle and pedestrian facilities is higher than the <br />existing level of service; therefore, the existing system facilities are not <br />adequate to meet the needs of existing development (i.e., there is no reserve <br />capacity for future growth). <br />The reimbursement fee cost basis is provided in Table B-2. <br />CITY OF EUGENE SDC METHODOLOGIES, APPENDIX B PAGE B-5 <br />