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January 14, 2019, Work Session – Item 2 <br />for expanding affordable housing options and access for people with limited incomes. Staff will begin updating the Consolidated Plan in 2019. <br />Envision Eugene Community Vision The seven pillars, or community values, include Provide housing affordable to all income levels. Housing strategies in the 2012 recommendation include planning for a higher proportion of multi-family housing in the future, expanding housing variety and choice, assessing the applicability of a housing and transportation affordability index, supporting subsidized affordable housing projects, and continuing existing programs that support preservation and rehabilitation of existing housing stock. <br />Urban Growth Boundary Adoption Package Eugene’s Housing Needs Analysis identifies a need for all housing types and price levels to meet the community’s 20-year needs. In order to fit all of the community’s needed housing inside the existing UGB, council directed staff to continue existing incentive programs for higher-density housing downtown and to increase the minimum density requirement in the R-2 medium-density residential zone. Council direction also launched the Clear and Objective standards update, Urban Reserves planning, and a Growth Monitoring program. <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS Council options are: <br />Option 1. Direct the City Manager to prepare a draft ordinance for council consideration and schedule a <br />Public Hearing to create a Construction Excise Tax to support an Affordable Housing Fund. The CET would include the following provisions: i.0.33% tax rate effective July 1, 2019ii.0.50% tax rate effective July 1, 2020iii.CET rate would apply to residential and commercial types of construction, consistent withstate statute.iv.In addition to state-mandated exemptions, the following would be exempted from the CET:Affordable housing projects, projects receiving a Multi-Unit Property Tax Exemption, andhouses priced at less than $250,000.v.Establish an advisory committee to recommend CET total CET imposed on any single or multi-phase project would be capped at $1,000,000.vii.During the first two years (July 2019 – June 30, 2021), the City will offset the cost of the CETpaid by an applicant by an equivalent reduction in Systems Development Charges.viii.During the first two years (July 2019 – June 30, 2021), designate City funds, equivalent to thereduction in SDCs, to the appropriate SDC fund.ix.Designate $500,000 per year of City funds to the Affordable Housing Fund.x.Council review of program every two years beginning in 2021