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CC Minutes - 06/21/06 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/21/06 Work Session
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12/21/2006 8:18:11 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Ms. Bettman offered a friendly amendment to make the COLA 2.4 percent. Ms. Solomon <br />indicated she would not accept the friendly amendment. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman, seconded by Ms. Taylor, moved to amend the motion so that the COLA <br />would be set at 2.4 percent. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman opined that the City Manager’s COLA should be set at the level that the “least compensated <br />among the City staff received.” <br /> <br />Mr. Papé wondered what the Portland CPI was. He thought Portland was the closest gauge for Eugene. He <br />favored setting the increase to that rate. Mr. Chouinard responded that he would be amazed if it was very <br />far from the 3.2 percent increase that was being suggested. Mr. Papé thought it had been 2.5 percent. Ms. <br />Bettman said she would be willing to take a friendly amendment changing the COLA to 2.5 percent. Mr. <br />Papé replied that his information was not current. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé, seconded by Mr. Kelly, moved to table the amendment until current information <br />was brought forth. <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor indicated that the item could be tabled until later in the meeting in order to allow staff <br />to find the Portland CPI information. <br /> <br />The vote to table the motion was a 4:4 tie; Ms. Bettman, Ms. Taylor, Mr. Papé, and Mr. <br />Kelly voting in favor, and Mr. Poling, Ms. Solomon, Ms. Ortiz, and Mr. Pryor voting in <br />opposition. Mayor Piercy cast a vote in opposition to the motion and it failed on a final <br />vote of 5:4. <br /> <br />The motion to amend failed, 6:2; Ms. Taylor and Ms. Bettman voting in favor. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly indicated his support for the motion. He thought it only fair that all non-represented employees <br />receive the same COLA. <br /> <br />The main motion passed, 7:1; Ms. Bettman voting in opposition. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé ascertained from staff that the City Manager was currently at Step 5 of his salary scale. He did <br />not favor giving the City Manager a whole step increase to Step 6. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman observed that the motion as it stood would give the City Manager a step increase to $140,192 <br />in Option A and a 3.2 percent COLA with Option B and then an open-ended percent increase through <br />Option C. She asked whether the low end of market as defined by City Council policy was the target <br />number. Mr. Chouinard replied that the salary was 15.27 percent from the average salary for comparable <br />positions and if the City Manager received a 7.7 percent increase, it would still be down by 3.6 percent. He <br />estimated that it would bring the total compensation level to approximately $162,000. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman indicated her opposition to the motion. <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon clarified that the motion for Option C would adjust the City Manager’s pay range by 3.6 <br />percent. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council June 21, 2006 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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