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exports and sales to the city in such detail as may be require& <br /> (2) In support of any exemption from license taxes claimed under this section <br />other than in the case of stock transfers or deliveries in the dealer% o,~m equipment, every dealer <br />must execute and file with the tax administrator an export certificate in such ~¥rrn as shall be <br />prescribed~ prepared and furnished by the tax administrator~ containing a statemem, made by some <br />~erson ha~ihg ~ctual knowledge oftl~e fact of such exportafion, that th~ motor vehicle fuel h~s been <br />exported from the city, and giving such details with reference m such shipment as the mx <br />administrator may require. The tax administrator may demand of any dealer such additional dam as <br />is deemed necess;arY ih support of any such certificate} and failure to supply such data will constitute <br />a waiver of alt right to exer~ption claimed by virtue of such certificate, The tax administrator may~ <br />in a case where ~e tax administrator belim)es no useful purpose would be served by filing of in <br />export certificate, -waive the filing of the certificate. <br /> (3) Any' motor vehicle fuel carried from the city in the fuel tank ora motor vehicle <br />shall not be considered as exported fi:orn the city. <br /> (4) No person shall, through false statement~ trick or device, or otherwise, obtain <br />motor vehicle fuel for export as to which the ~ity tax has not been paid and fa~l to export the samq <br />or any portion thereof, or cause the motor vehicle fuel or any portion thereof not to be exported~ or <br />divert or cause to be diverted the motor vehicle fuel or any portion thereof to be used, distributed <br />ur sold in the city and fail to notify' the tax administrator and the dealer from ,~Vhom the motor vehicle <br />el was originally purchased o{ his/her act. <br />(5) No dealer or other person shall conspire with any person to witl-fhold from <br />export~ or divert fi:om export or to return motor vehicle fuel to the city for sale or use so as to avoid <br />an~ of the ~es imposed herein~ <br /> (6) In support of any exemption from taxes on account of sales of motor vehicle <br />~el in ind~viduhl quantifies ~ 500 gatl~ns or i~ss for export by the purchaser~ the dealer shall retain <br />~n his/her files for at least three yea-rs, an export certifichte e>~ecuted by the t~urchaser in such form <br />and containing such informatio~ as iS prescribed by the tax administrator. This certificate shall be <br />prima f:acie evidence of the exportation of the motor vehicle fuel to which it applies only if accepted <br />by the dealer in good faith~ <br /> <br />3~481 Sales to Armed Forces E_xemr>ted. The license tax ~mposed by sections 3~466 <br /> and 3.467 shall not be imposed-on any motor vehicle fuel sold to the Armed Forces <br />of the United States for use in ships~ aircraft or for export from the city; but every dealer shall be <br />required to report such sales to the tax administrator in such detail as may be required, A certificate <br />by an authorized officer of such Armed Forces shall be accepted by the dealer as sufficient proof that <br />the sale is for the purpose specified in the certificate. <br /> <br />3.482 Fuel ~rt 'Vehicles Coming Into City Not Taxed, Any person coming into the city in <br /> a motor vehicle ma:y transport in the fuel tank of such vehicle~ motor vehicle fuel ~br <br />his/her own use only and ~br the purpose of operating such motor vehicle without sec~ing a license <br />or paying the tax l~rovided in s~ctions 3.466 and 3.467 or complying with any of the provisions <br />imposed ~pon dealers herein, but if the motor vehicle fuel so brought into the city is removed from <br />th~ fuel ta~rk of the vehicle or used for any purpose other than the propulsion (~f the vehicle~ the <br />person so importing the fuel into the city }hall be subject to all the provisions herein applying to <br />dealers. <br /> <br />3.483 Refunds. Refunds will be made pursuam to applicable Chapter 3 t9 of the Oregon <br /> Revised laws. Claim ~brms for refunds may be obtained from the Tax <br />AdministratoFs office. <br /> <br />3.484 <br /> <br />Examinations and lnvesti~. Pursuant to section 2.019 of this code, the tax <br />adminis~tor, or duly autl~orize~ agems~ may make any examination of accounts~ <br /> <br />Ordinance - 5 <br /> <br /> <br />