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M I N U T E S <br />Eugene City Council <br />Harris Hall, 125 East 8th Avenue <br />Eugene, Oregon 97401 <br />January 30, 2019 <br />12:00 p.m. <br />Councilors Present: Emily Semple, Jennifer Yeh, Alan Zelenka, Mike Clark. Chris Pryor, Betty Taylor. Greg Evans, Claire Syrett Mayor Vinis opened the January 30, 2019, Work Session of the Eugene City Council. <br />1.WORK SESSION: Regulation of Natural GasIntergovernmental Relations Manager Ethan Nelson gave a PowerPoint presentation outliningproposals to address greenhouse gas issues related to natural gas service.Council Discussion <br />•Councilor Zelenka – announced that while he had an administrative interest in theregulation of natural gas, he did not have conflict of interest and would participate in thecouncil discussion. <br />•Councilor Clark – expressed concern that a static, rather than a dynamic, model was used toanalyze the impacts of natural gas; the data doesn’t account for increasing electricity ratesdue to volume increases caused by conversion; said the best information available is neededbecause the council’s decision will have a significant impact on many people. <br />•Councilor Yeh – acknowledged that continuing with business as usual is not a viable pathforward for meeting the council’s climate goals; it is worth the time and effort to pursuerenewable natural gas; noted that EWEB business plan calls out its reliance on NorthwestNatural as part of its resilience strategy. <br />•Councilor Pryor – asked for clarification about the reference to MtCO2e and for informationabout what percentage of gas emissions is due to leakage compared with combustion. <br />•Councilor Evans – asked questions about the cost and timeframe for retrofittinginfrastructure for switching to renewables and what the average increase in rates might befor Northwest Natural customers; encouraged communication with partners atMetropolitan Wastewater Management Commission about collaborating with NorthwestNatural. <br />•Councilor Syrett – inquired about the costs of installing natural gas into new constructionprojects; supported efforts to move consumers away from fossil fuels while mitigating theimpacts on low-income residents. <br />•Councilor Taylor – asked questions about the pollution caused by natural gas, the potentialimpacts of prohibiting incentives to use natural gas, and the impacts of reducing the lengthof the franchise agreement; urged council to be clear to the public that it is not eliminatingnatural gas service. <br />•Councilor Semple – expressed concern that the report was not complete and council hadinadequate time to review the information; supported moving toward renewables and ahybrid/variable rate; urged council to avoid any financial decisions that have a regressiveeffect and supported more triple bottom line analysis; said a 10-year franchise period maymake sense, given how quickly technology and climate conditions are changing. <br />•Councilor Zelenka – noted that regulation would be just one small strategy to address ahuge issue; encouraged working cooperatively with large-lever stakeholders and supported <br />ATTACHMENT C <br />April 8, 2019, Meeting - Item 2A