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depicts an area as a nodal development <br /> <br />· to provide adequate opportunities for a variety <br /> are <br /> <br /> have <br />Therefore~ <br /> <br /> commercial or industrial designated land. Goal 9, <br /> <br />Goal 10 - g: To provide for the housing needs of citizens of'the state~ <br /> <br /> a nodal development <br /> the property or <br /> <br /> residential which is included within the <br /> <br /> no direct impact on the existing supply of <br /> consistent with St~ttex~id; Plarming <br /> <br /> Goal 11 ~ Public Facilities and Services: To plan and develop a timely, orderly and <br /> efficient arran gemen~ of public facilities and services to serve -as a framework for urban and <br /> r~ral development. <br /> <br />The ~ea affected by th~s ord~n~ce ~s located ~n the cky l~mits ~d served by pubi~c facilities <br />which the existing level of senSce is MeqUme m se~e the needs of existing and future <br />deVeloPment. Therefore, ~e mendments are consiStent Mth Stamwide Planing Goal 11. <br /> <br /> G al 12 - Transpo~atmn, To prowde and encourage a safe, convement and economw <br /> tram~ortation system <br /> <br />Goal 12 ~s ~mpternemed t~ou~ the Tr~spo~ation Pla~ng Rule (TP~ OAR 660-I 2). The <br />Eugene-Springfield Metropolkan ~ea Trmnspo~ation Pi~ (TramPle) provides ~e regional <br />policy ~meWork t~ough w~ch the TPR ~s enacted at the local level. The addition of ~e <br />Nod~ DeveloPment" M~tro PI~ Diagrm designation ~plements policy direction in the <br />Tr~sPtan, ac~oWledged fOr compli~ce with ~o~ 12 in 2001. <br /> <br />TransPl~ Land Use Policies 1 ~d 5, which were also adopted as Metro Plan Transpo~ation <br />Policies F-1 and F-5, specifically relate to nod~ development ~d ~e li~ed below ~th finings <br />folloMng each: <br /> <br /> Land Use Policy J: Apply the nodal developmem strate~ in areas selected by each <br />E~bit C - 4 <br /> <br /> <br />