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Growth Boundary is a specific response to the requirements of Goal 5. The inventory was <br />conducted in accordance Mth the administrative roles for Goal 5 inventories for riparian <br />corridors and wildlife habitat areas, as prOvided for in OAR 660-023, as detailed below. <br /> <br />OAR 660~023-0090(4) sets out requirements for gathering information as part of a standard Goal <br />5 inventory for riparian condors: <br /> <br />(4) When fbllowing the standard inventory process in OAR 660-023-0030, local <br />governments shall collect information regarding all water areas, fish hab/tat, riparian <br />areas, and wetlands wkhin ripar/~ corridors. Local gove~ents may postpone <br />determination of the precise location of the r/p~an area on lands desi~ated for farm or <br />forest use until receipt of applications for local permits fbr uses that would conflict with <br />these resources. Local governments are encouraged, but not required, to conduct field <br />investigations to ver/f}f the locmion, quality, and quant/ty of resources within the riparian <br />corridor. At a minimum, local governments shall consult the following sources, Where <br />available, in order to inventory riparian condors along rivers, lakes, and streams within <br />the j urisdiction: <br /> <br />(a) Oregon Department of F°restry stream classification maps; <br />(b) United States Geological Serv'ice (USGS) 7.5 minute quadrangle maps; <br />(c) National Wetlands Invento~ maps; <br />(d) Oregon Department offish and Wildlife (ODF~ maps indicating fish habitat; <br />(e) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood maps; and <br />(f) Aerial photo~aphs. <br /> <br />The City collected information reg~ding all water areas, fish habitat, r/parian areas and wetlands <br />within r/parian corr/dom. None of the areas affected by this adoption are desi~ated ~%r fhrm or <br />forest use. A geat deal of field investigation was performed. ~ addition to site visits during <br />the application of the Wildlife Habkat Assessment, follow-up field investigations were <br />performed on a case~by-case basis, where necessary to collect additional information on a <br />particular site. The Goal 5 Inventory of Ripman and Upland Wildlife Habitat Sites within the <br />Eugene Urban Growth Boundary incorporated multiple reviews of data sources listed in (4)a-f <br />above, dur/ng the development of the inventory. <br /> <br />O~ 660~023-0110(3) sets om requirements for gather/ng information on w51dlife habitat sites <br />dar/n,, g the preparation of the inventory: <br /> <br />(3) When gathering information regarding wildlife habitat under the standard inventory <br />process in ©~ 660~023-0030(2), local govements shall obtain ctt~ent habitat <br />inventory infbrmation fkom the Oregon Department ofFish and Wildlife (ODFW), and <br />other state and federat agencies. These inventor/es shall include at least the fbllowing: <br /> <br />(a) T~eatened, end,gered, and sensitive wildlife species habitat information; <br />(b) Sensitive bkd site inventories; and <br />(c) W~ldlife species of concern and/or habitats of concern identified and mapped by <br />ODFW (e.g., big game winter range and migration corridors~ golden eagle and prairie <br /> <br /> <br />