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3.13.2019 City Council Work Session Minutes
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3.13.2019 City Council Work Session Minutes
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5/3/2019 4:38:52 PM
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5/3/2019 4:38:44 PM
Work Session
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crisis for which the City meets immediate needs and addresses long term needs; noted the <br />issue of affordability is a market failure and policy issue, requiring government assistance, <br />and noted this is the reason he favors a one percent construction excise tax to address <br />short-term fixes; mentioned the need for greater renter perspectives in Housing Tools and <br />Strategies and that the City could bring together work with Renter Protections and next <br />steps to fill in gaps of Housing Tools and Strategies. <br />• Councilor Syrett - used a car market analogy to address home building market failures in <br />meeting housing needs; noted the need for the City to assist renters and homeowners with <br />available choices for housing that works for their circumstance where market cannot <br />provide those same choices. <br />• Councilor Yeh - wondered if Planning and Development has capacity to do all this work and <br />asked what resources are needed to get work done. <br />• Councilor Semple - noted excitement around aligning zoning and comprehensive plans, <br />suggesting this will be helpful to building the right buildings for the right people in the <br />right places; wondered how the City can develop SROs to serve the unhoused and <br />supported auxiliary dwelling unit development and pre -approved plans; reiterated <br />support for financial assistance with down payments, foreclosure support, security <br />deposits, etc.; wondered how the private sector can support this work, and who else to ask <br />to support financial needs. <br />• Councilor Clark - disagreed with Councilor Zelenka' s assessment of the issue being a <br />market failure and suggested building homes needs to be less expensive; suggested the <br />City needs to specify what kind of housing is for built for certain types of incomes (single <br />income household vs. multiple income households). <br />• Councilor Zelenka - supported market failure theory and ways to address the strategies <br />needed to address that failure; questioned how to eliminate building costs and suggested <br />that there is no meaningful way to do so, which is why financial supports to the <br />renter/homeowner from the city are so important; requested a filter for impacts related to <br />categories that are "in -progress" or "recommendations and suggested "level of support" <br />not appropriately named and should be renamed "source". <br />• Councilor Pryor - suggested not all barriers to building are cost -related. <br />• Mayor Vinis - spoke about Peter Keys experience at the University of Oregon; suggested <br />utilizing census data to evaluate intersections of data mentioned by Councilor Clark as well <br />as other designs. <br />The meeting adjourned at 1:44 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Samantha Ro erts U <br />Deputy City Recorder <br />MINUTES —Eugene City Council March 13, 2019 Page 3 <br />Work Session <br />
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