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May 7, 2019 Clear & Objective Update –Summary of Planning Commission Review of Draft Code Language Page 2 of 2 <br />ridgeline trail, and no remaining land within the UGB is identified for acquisition by the <br />City, then the criterion might be unnecessary. Others noted concerns that the Urban <br />Growth Boundary, which the setback is actually measured from, is not an accurate marker <br />for the ridgeline. Several commissioners suggested the criterion be reevaluated. In an <br />initial straw poll, only one commissioner supported the proposed language. In an <br />alternative straw poll, to eliminate the original criterion, four commissioners supported <br />elimination, one commissioner did not, and two commissioners refrained from voting <br />based on wanting more information. In response, staff suggests moving forward with the <br />draft language as proposed to seek additional input from the public during the formal <br />adoption process. <br />•Elimination of the 40% Open Space requirement for PUDs in the South Hills area – One <br />commissioner is not in favor of the previously approved recommended concept for this <br />item. <br />May 20, 2019, Work Session – Item 2