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<br /> <br />May 20, 2019, Public Hearing – Item 2 <br /> <br />have been filed in a pending LUBA appeal in which a property owner challenges, and the City defends, several of the City’s secondary dwelling development standards. A complete set of record materials are available for review in a binder located at the City Council Office, or at Planning and Development Department at 99 W. 10th Avenue. <br />Proposed Amendments/Findings In response to City Council’s direction, Planning and legal staff have prepared the following documents: <br />• A Summary of Amendments is provided in Attachment A. <br />• The Draft Ordinance is provided in Attachment B. <br />• Draft Findings to justify the retention of the standards that City Council found to be “reasonable regulations relating to siting and design” are provided in Attachment C. <br />• Draft Findings addressing Eugene Code criteria/policies and statewide planning goals are provided in Attachment D. <br />• Draft Findings that would be used if council decides to retain the accessory dwelling standards that were initially identified for removal (provided per council’s request) are provided in Attachment E. <br />Public Hearing Notice Notice of the May 20, 2019, City Council public hearing was mailed on May 1, 2019, to all persons who provided oral or written testimony or requested notice of the 2018 action, and to all neighborhood associations. Testimony received through May 6, 2019, is provided via a link in Attachment F. Any additional written comments received after the preparation of this agenda item summary will be provided to the City Council prior to the public hearing for inclusion into the public record. <br /> <br />PREVIOUS COUNCIL DIRECTION January 17, 2018, Work Session January 22, 2018, Meeting Move to initiate land use code changes for a phased approach to implementation of Senate Bill 1051 related to secondary dwellings. (Motion Passed) April 16, 2018, Public Hearing May 23, 2018, Work Session June 11, 2018, Work Session Move to substitute Attachment B to the AIS, which is labeled “Ordinance 1 / Substitute Ordinance,” in place of the Ordinance #1 now on the table. Move to adopt Ordinance #2, Attachment C to the AIS. (Motions Passed) February 20, 2019, Work Session Move to direct the City Manager to prepare a proposed ordinance consistent with the council’s direction on accessory dwelling units, and to schedule a public hearing on the proposed ordinance in response to LUBA’s remand. (Motion Passed) <br />