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Agenda Packet 5-22-19 Work Session
City of Eugene
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Agenda Packet 5-22-19 Work Session
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Work Session
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Eugene CAP2.0 as related to Climate Recovery Ordinance Targets and Goals <br />Page 2 <br />Eugene Community’s Sector-based and Consumption-based GHG Inventories. Note: Good Company’s <br />interpretation of the CRO GHG Goal should be considered preliminary and subject to change. <br />For the purpose of the analysis conducted and presented in this memo the following was assumed: <br />•CRO fossil fuel targets are based on the fossil fuels combusted within the City’s geographic <br />boundary plus fossil fuels used to generate electricity that serves retail load within the City’s <br />Urban Growth Boundary. <br />•Fossil fuel use for electricity is calculated based on EWEB’s current and planned (2017 IERP <br />update) supply contracts (market-based electricity accounting). EWEB’s utility-specific GHG <br />emissions factor (GHGs / MWh) is provided by Oregon Department of Environmental Quality <br />(ODEQ). ODEQ does not provide a corresponding fossil fuel use factor (MMBTU / MWh) for <br />EWEB, so one was calculated using ODEQ’s GHG factor and using natural gas electricity <br />generation as a proxy. <br />•CRO GHG emissions reduction goals are calculated using 2016 as the baseline year with annual <br />reductions of 7.6% applied to the prior year, not the baseline year; out to 2100. This rate of <br />reduction is applied to sector-based and consumption-based emissions. Note: The fossil fuel <br />use targets and GHG goals have different reduction rates therefore there are slight differences <br />between fossil fuel use and Sector-based GHG graphics in this memo. <br />Relationship Between GHG Inventories and CRO Fossil Fuel Target <br />Figure 1 shows the relationship between the two types of GHG inventories conducted for the Eugene <br />community (Sector-based and Consumption-based) and Eugene’s CRO Fossil Fuel Target. As can be <br />seen, the CRO Fossil Fuel Target (CRO Target) is a subset of the Sector-based emissions inventory <br />(SBEI), which is a subset of the Consumption-based emissions inventory (CBEI). The two types of <br />inventories conducted for Eugene is consistent with the State of Oregon’s reporting approach. The two <br />inventory types include: <br />•Sector-based GHG Inventory (or local GHG emissions) include GHGs from local fossil fuel <br />combustion (homes and cars) in addition to other local sources of community GHG emissions (e.g. <br />refrigerant gas leaks, landfill methane, etc.). Sector-based emissions are a subset of the largest <br />boundary, Consumption-based emissions. <br />o Local fossil fuel use is the biggest contributor to the communities Sector-based GHGs <br />(~90%). This boundary is accounted for separately to align with the CRO’s fossil fuel targets. <br />•Consumption-based GHG Inventory (or local + imported GHG emissions) include local, Sector- <br />based emissions in addition to “imported” GHG emissions. The imported fraction accounts for <br />GHGs generated elsewhere to produce and transport the goods and food consumed locally in <br />Eugene. Consumption-based GHG inventories are more comprehensive view of the Eugene <br />community’s GHG emissions compared to a Sector-based GHG inventory but are also more difficult <br />to accurately account for over time (to track progress towards goals) and the sources of emissions <br />are outside of the Eugene community’s direct control which makes taking action to reduce these <br />actions more challenging. <br />May 22, 2019, Work Session – Item 1
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