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ATTACHMENT A <br />Note: This document is a summary from a more extensive report from Good Company, but summarized by City <br />of Eugene staff for purposes of discussion with City Council. <br />Recommendations for Additional Eugene Climate Actions <br />to Meet Eugene’s Climate Recovery Ordinance Targets and Goals <br />Opportunities to Close the Fossil Fuel and Sector <br />based Gap <br />Updated April 2019 <br />Existing Fossil Fuel Gap <br />The CRO’s fossil fuel target is a 50% reduction in community fossil <br />fuel use in 2030 compared to a 2010 baseline or an average annual <br />reduction of 2.5% per year between 2010 and 2030. Eugene’s <br />community 2010 fossil fuel use was equal to about 14.4 MMBTU. To <br />meet the CRO’s fossil fuel target (50% reduction by 2030 compared to <br />2010), Eugene’s annual community fossil fuel consumption will need <br />to be equal to or less than 7.2 MMBTU in 2030. Eugene’s 2030 <br />forecast, which adjusts for community population increases and <br />CAP2.0 large-lever shareholder (LLS) reductions, is projected to be <br />11.6 MMBTU, which leaves a gap of about 4.5 MMBTU that will need to be addressed with additional actions to <br />reach the CRO targets. <br />Existing Sector-based Gap <br />The CRO’s greenhouse gas goal (GHG Goal) is an average annual emissions reduction of 7.6% to 2100 beginning <br />in 2016. Eugene’s 2017 Community Sector-based GHGs are equal to about 1,000,000 MT CO2e. Based on rate <br />specified in by the CRO GHG Goal, Eugene’s Sector-based emissions will need to be equal to or less than 360,000 <br />MT CO2e in 2030. Eugene’s 2030 forecast with CAP 2.0 reductions is projected to be 830,000 MT CO2e, which <br />leaves a gap of about 450,000 MT CO2e that will need to be addressed with additional actions to reach the CRO <br />targets. <br />Figure 1: Local GHG Gap (Sector-based) compared to additional actions / scenarios. <br />June 17, 2019, Work Session – Item 2