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Item 4C: Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Parks, Athletic Fields and Open Space Bonds
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2007
CC Agenda - 01/08/07 Meeting
Item 4C: Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Parks, Athletic Fields and Open Space Bonds
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City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />acquisition might occur. The IRS requires tax-exempt bond issuers to meet several tests, such as that <br />the issuer has a “reasonable expectation” that 5% of the bond proceeds will be spent within six months, <br />and that the issuer believes they can spend 85% of the bond proceeds within three years. Because of the <br />heavy emphasis on property acquisition in this measure, there is significant uncertainty about when the <br />bond proceeds will be spent. On the other hand, staff must be certain that the funds will be available <br />when the acquisitions are made. In addition, bond counsel advises that property acquisitions can <br />sometimes contain terms that would make those acquisitions ineligible for tax-exempt financing. <br /> <br />For the reasons stated above, bond counsel has recommended that the City develop a flexible issuance <br />plan that would include the ability to issue short-term debt or long-term debt. One approach would be <br />that the funds could be borrowed in a manner similar to a line of credit. The City could repay the short- <br />term debt either through a property tax levy, or by refunding it with long-term debt. Issuance of short- <br />term debt would not carry the same IRS requirements about the rate of spending. In addition, bond <br />counsel has recommended that the City have the ability to issue taxable debt, if that is required by the <br />terms of any of the property acquisitions. <br /> <br />City staff is continuing to work with its bond counsel and financial advisor to develop the issuance plan. <br />The attached resolution would allow the City the flexibility to issue short- or long-term debt, and to <br />issue taxable or tax-exempt debt, as appropriate according to IRS tax laws. The resolution also allows <br />the City Manager to issue the debt as needed to fund the projects, without further council authorization. <br />Staff would, however, notify the council through a Council Newsletter item when any debt is issued <br />under the authorization. <br /> <br />In the materials presented to voters for the bond measure, it was estimated that the average tax rate over <br />the life of the bonds would be about $0.15 per $1,000 of assessed value. In developing a bond issuance <br />plan, staff will attempt to keep the average tax rate at or below the level estimated in the bond measure <br />materials. <br /> <br />Oregon law does not require the council to authorize spending authority for the proceeds of a General <br />Obligation Bond issue if the proceeds are spent in the same fiscal year as the bond election. Therefore, <br />staff will not bring an FY07 supplemental budget to council for this item. The FY08 budget may <br />include additional spending of bond proceeds, depending on the issuance strategy that is ultimately <br />developed with the City’s bond counsel and financial advisor. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />The Budget Committee approved a set of debt issuance guidelines in February 2004. Those guidelines <br />limit the amount of net direct debt outstanding to 1% of the City’s real market value. Issuance of the <br />Parks, Athletic Fields and Open Space Bonds for $27,490,000 would not cause the City to violate this <br />policy, as there is sufficient room under the debt limit for this purpose. <br /> <br />The debt issuance guidelines state that voter-approved General Obligation bonds will be sold by <br />competitive bid. Those policies assumed that General Obligation bonds would always be sold as long- <br />term debt, and did not foresee a situation like the current one where a short-term, line of credit-type of <br />debt instrument might be needed in order to meet IRS rules for tax-exempt financing. A line of credit <br />cannot be sold by competitive bid. Therefore, approval of the attached resolution will mean that council <br />is granting an exception to the policy of requiring a competitive bid for these Parks, Athletic Fields and <br /> L:\CMO\2007 Council Agendas\M070108\S0701084C.doc <br /> <br />
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