<br />Table 15
<br />Aft t. f R · t L · A
<br />
<br />oca Ion 0 rOJec 1St creage(Cost
<br /> Project list
<br /> Acreage (1 ) Existing Deficiency Growth (thru 2025) (3rowtb (beyond :202~)
<br />Park Type Acreage (1 ) Acreage % Acreage % Acreage %
<br />;J..and Acquisition
<br />Neighborhood 52.0' , 26.5 51% 25.5 49% - 0%
<br />Urban 1.6 1.0 .65% 0.6 . 35% - 0%
<br />'Com.munity 161.5 ~2.4 51% 79.1 49% - Q%
<br />Metropolitan 1.3 - 0% 1.3 100% - 0%
<br />Natural Area 1 ,388.0 414.0 30% 498.5 36% ,475.4 34%
<br />Linear . 13.0 - 0% 13.0 100% - 0%.
<br />Special F acUities 0.3 0.2 79% 0.1 21% - 0%
<br />Total Acres 1,617.6, 524.2 32% 618.0 38% 475.4 . 29%
<br />Oevelopment
<br />Nelghborh9Qd 75.2 38.4 . 51% 36.8 49% - 0%
<br />~rban 0.0 - 0% 0.0 0% - 0%..
<br />Community 96.4 46.5 .48% 49,.9 52% - 0%
<br />Metropolitan 25.5 - 0% 25.5 100% - .0%
<br />::Natural Area 0.0 - . 0% 0.0 0% - 0%
<br />Linear 8.0 4.8 600/0 3.2 40% - 0%
<br />Special Facilities 2~0 1~6 79% .0'.4 21% - 0%
<br />T olal Acres 207.1 91.2 . '44% 115.9 56% - 0%
<br />
<br />.< 1) Net of partner funded/owned' acreage
<br />
<br />Table 16
<br />System-mde Unit Costs; Residential & Nonresidential Development per Component
<br />
<br /> 83.~' 43,819 16.4% 8,696
<br /> Residential Unit Nonresidential Unit
<br /> Residential Cost Nonresidential Cost
<br /> Cost Basis Share ($/New Person) Share- ($/New Equri. Pop.)
<br />New Parks 'and Open Space Improvement Fee
<br />Neighborhood 'Parks $8,507,158 $7,111 ;984. $162 $1,395,174 $1'62
<br />Community P'l.rks $11,953,914 . $9,993,472 $228 $1,960,442 $228
<br />Urban Plaza' $631,402 $527,852 $12 $103,550 $12
<br />Unear Parks $693,695 $579,929 $13 $113,766 '$13
<br />Natural Area Parks $7,294,975 $6,098,599 $139 $1.,196,376 $139
<br />Metropolitan Parks $1,377,000 $1,151,172 $26 $225,828 $26
<br />Special Use Facilities $54,359 $45 444 $1 $.8 915 $1
<br />Sub-total $30,512,504 $25,508,453 $582 $5 004 061 $582 ;
<br />New Recreation Facilities .,. $20,596,259 $1.7,218,473 $393 $3,377,787 $393
<br />Improving Existing. Facilities $4,504,714 $3,765,941 $86 $738,n3. $86
<br />Access Improvements $999.564 $835,636 $19 $163,929 $1'9
<br />Subtotal IMPROVEMENT $56,61:3,042 $47,328,503 $1,080 $9,284,539 $1,080
<br />existing Parks and Facllltlel ) Reimbursement .Fee
<br />Neighborhood Parks . $4,823,867 $4,032,753 $92 . $791,114 $92
<br />Community Parks $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
<br />Urban Plaza $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
<br />Unear Parks $1,613,830 $1,349,162 $31 $264,668 $31
<br />Natural Area Parks $71,004 $59,360 $1 $11,645 $1
<br />Metropolitan Parks $10,208,500 $8,534,306 $1.95 $1,674,194 $195
<br />. 'Soecial Use Facilities. ' $69,585 $58,173 $1 ' , $11,412 $1
<br />Subtotal REIMBURSEMENT $16,786,787 $14,033,754 $320 $2,753,033 $320
<br />Total SYSTEM $73,399,829 ' $61,362,257 $1,400 $12,037,572 $1,400
<br />Less Credit $293 $836
<br />Net Cost per Unit \. $1,107 $565
<br /> '\
<br />