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<br />$ 438 ,880 $0 $21 9,440 $0 $0 $2 19,440 100% $2 19 ,44( <br />$4,231,320 $0 $1,465,280 $1,433,880 $0 $1,332,160 75 % $994,074 <br />$ 1,316 ,640 $0 $658 ,32 0 $65 8,320 $0 $0 36% $( <br />$ 5,924 ,880 $0 $2,962,440 $1,4 8 1,220 $0 $1,481 ,2 20 36% $532,00 , <br />$ 2,194 ,400 $0 $1 ,0 97,200 $1,0 97,200 $0 $0 36 % $ <br />$ 466 ,3 10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $466,3 10 36% $167,4 8• <br />$ 1,2 06,920 $0 $0 $301 ,730 $6 03,4 60 $301 ,730 36% $108,3 7 <br />$ 7,131,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,131 ,8 00 36 % $2 ,56 1,51 1 <br />$ 10,972,000 $0 $0 $5 ,4 86,000 $2,743,000 $2,743,000 36% $985,191 <br />$ 6,583,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6 ,5 83,200 36% $2,364,4 71 <br />Parks, Page E-10