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<br />The need to amend Eugene Code is a legal formality so that refinement plan policies <br />c,an be applied in "limited land use" cases (e.g., lot partitions, subdivisions, and site <br />revie\~{). The policies inE.C 9.9500 to 9.9710 are sitnpJy copied from the refinement <br />plans.5 . <br /> <br />Much oftne rest of Mr. Hinkley's related testimony attempts to. apply some claimed <br />tneor)t of "top dovvn"planning to misconstrue stattHNide and Metro Plan policies <br />related to comprehensive planning as ifthey prohibited Eugene from taking specific <br />actions, such as those proposed, because some such. action. might reduce density in a <br />particular.area or have other area-specific effects. ' <br /> <br />For the most part, statewide and Metro Plan polic.ies .can't be so narro\vly applied or <br />they would act as a "ratchet" in which changes that increased density in any specific <br />area \voutd be allo\ved, but changes that might reduce density in a particular area <br />would be prohibited. <br /> <br />\'le \vould also point out that if state\vide and Metro Plan policies ~fere applied this <br />\vay, they \\fould also effectively prohibit alnlost all ordinances to protect natural <br />resources, establish parks, and so on. Each of these actions individually may reduce <br />density ( even t~ the' point .of proh ioiting housing a Itogeth e,r}. Ho\vever, ina <br />comprehensive planning context, they are essential to health)", livable communities. <br />State\vide and Metro Plan policies - read sensibly - provide for a balance of actions <br />that may effe,ct overall density and other factors. <br /> <br />Large parcels <br /> <br />Charles Biggs raised concerns during oral testimony about developing "large parcels" <br />in Area 15. <br /> <br /><r'nere are only two large parcels - the Lighthouse rfemple block, and O'Hara School <br />and playground - and neither ofthenl are likely to bed-eve,loped as residential in the <br />next 18 months. Both these parcels are designat.ed "* MaJor Religious Facilities" on <br />the JlF\\' RP Use Diagram. <br /> <br />lJcgi.slati"re and zoning history <br /> <br />This is a topic that has bee,n poorly explained in the past, and the J\VN has gone. to <br />SOOle effort to correct the record. <br /> <br />A few. facts to note: <br /> <br />o T'here have been three zone changes (fo.ur parcels) froIn R- I to R-2/SR in Are,a I 5 <br />north of the Amazon CanaL Since this area \;vas (and is) designated i\1DR in the <br />f\1etro Plat1~ there \vas never an issue ofc.ontlict vlith the Metro Plan. ^ <br /> <br />o l"hel.'debate" has been over "vllat happened and \vhyin the "redesignated'~ area~ <br />south of the r\rna.zon Canal. <br /> <br />In this area, there "vas one zone change toR-2/SR ("Berg'" Z 84-20). <br /> <br />5 Only policies that constitute luandatory approval criteria (as in the Area 15 policy) are included in Eugene <br />Code. <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />111-29 <br />