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<br />that was in the County's Goal 5 resourc-e 1tlVentory but noted that it was not considered a jurisdictional <br />\vetland under Division of State Lands rules.. She said tllere was also a section about agricultural practices <br />\vhich did not have a specific agency that provided specific thresholds to nIeet. She noted that there was <br />testimony from a COmI1Iunity farm owner 111 the record \\Tho had raised concern over groundwater iInpacts. <br /> <br />Regarding minimizing conflicts, Ms.. Schulz called attention to Attacrul1ent T\vo of the staff report w~hich <br />contained the mitigation conditions proposed by the applicant to address the required criteria. <br /> <br />· Dust <br /> <br />Staff Recommendation: The commissions should find that there is a conflict due to dust that can be <br />minimized to a level tbat meets DEQ emission standards as applied byLRAP A. <br /> <br />Mr. Duncan said sand and gravel operations ,^,ren~ 'allowed to produce a specific anlount of material per <br />year. He renlarked that if the amoullt Ofl11aterial produced per year did not increase then tllere should not <br />be more dust created than the operation \vas currently gel1eratillg. <br /> <br />Ms.. Schulz said the issue ~as not about ,ho\v rnuch ll1aterial "vas nlined but how much particulate ,vas put <br />in the air. She said tllere was not a strict correlation with volume of In ate rial produced. <br /> <br />Mr. Duncan reiterated tllat there would not be 1110re Inining than \vhat \vas currently being dOlle so if Delta <br />\vas meeting dust standards currently then there was ,no conflict. <br /> <br />Ms. Schulz said the expansion area \vould be included in the current LRAP A permiL She said the possible <br />conflict had lnore to do with whether dust was b~ing generated at once or over a 'longer period of tinle. <br /> <br />Mr. Duncan stressed that the operation would not change significantly fronl what was currently being <br />done. <br /> <br />Mr. Lavvless said there was also an issue of proximity of dust to the impact area. <br /> <br />Mr. Carroll noted that the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (LRAPA) permit enforcedDEQ <br />standards. He said as long as the applicant ll1et that standard then tllere \vas no conflict. He acknowledged <br />that dust conflicted quality of life but it "vas measured by 110\V much \vas produced by the facility. Fie <br />stressed that the issue \vas ho\\! 111uch dust tlle facility produced. 11:e said if the standard for dust emanation <br />criterion "vas met then Delta was nleeting the standard for dust emission. <br /> <br />Mr. Dignam confimled that LRAP A regulated dust elnissions. He said he \vas not prepared to second <br />guess LRAP A. He said he was comfortable \vith the dust issue as long as the LR~PA standards "veTe 111et. <br /> <br />Ms. Colbath said her concern was \vhether the particulate emission met the approval threshold. <br /> <br />Ms. Arkin said the reason LRAPA ~nforced DEQ stand-ards was for inlpacts on human health. She <br />stressed that dust had an inlpact and that ,vas what tIle regulation was all about. She said there was an <br />expert in the record who had stated that many neighborhoods \vouldbe impacted by dust emissiollS from <br />the site. She added that there "vas also a physician on record talking about pulmonary diseases and other <br />health impacts to nearby residential areas. Slle noted that the applicant did not do an air dispersion model <br /> <br />MINUTES-Lane County Plaruling.Con1mlssion <br /> <br />July 25, 2006 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br />