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<br />Mr Duncan ackno\vledged that there was a conflict \vith dust but stressed that an extra 50 feet of setback <br />would not make any difference \\That-so-ever. <br /> <br />Mr. Cam1ichael COl11ll1ented that the discussion \vas going beyond the infonnatiol1 in the record. He said <br />the. record would be clear for the elected officials that there "vas concern over setback issues. <br /> <br />Ms. Arkin said all that needed to be said is that the contlict could be solved by requesting an ESEE <br />al1alysis. <br /> <br />M'r. Lal1fear noted that to request an ESEE allalysis the conmlissions \vouldhave to find that there \vas a <br />conflict that was not tnininlized.He stressed tllat the cOl11missions \votlld have to 11lake that finding first. <br /> <br />Mr. Cannichael stressed that there \vas plenty of discussion in the record and requested that a straw vote be <br />take.n as to \ to exclude C011dition # 22. <br /> <br />Mr. Carroll said conditions \vere in1portant to deliberations. He stressed that the cormnission \vas entitled <br />to address the impacts of the proposed n1ining expansion. He said conditions called out for the <br />elected officials to exan1.ine later in the process. He listed the conditions for \vhich he had concern; <br /> <br />1. Number 15, regarding minimization measures, said watering roads l1light need to be <br />looked at nlore ofte1l than every t\VO hours depending on the presellce of vehicles. <br /> <br />2. Nunlber 18 regarding. trucks 11auling dry fine material being \vetted or coveredwh.en <br />transporting off the site, Mr. Carroll cOffilnented that if clay \vas being transported onto the <br />site then that would contribute to dust enlissions. <br /> <br />3. Mr. Carroll noted that part of tIle LRAPA permit required tllat no party could knOVl111gly <br />allow fugitive dust enussions. He said, given the proximity to residential areas, nIore <br />stringent 111itigations 111easures ,vere justified. <br /> <br />Mr. Duncan seconded Mr. Carroll's e01nments. He reiterated Mr. Carmichael that the record and staff <br />notes would point out.the concerns of the cOl11mi~sions to elected officials Inaking a.decision later in the <br />process. <br /> <br />Ms. Colbath stated that the comnlents of tIle comn1issioners stood by themselves and a straw vote was not <br />required. She also had coneenl about COl1dition #22, as did Mr. Belcher. <br /> <br />The Lane County Planning C0111misSlon straw vote indicated 4: 1: 1 that dust could be <br />mitigated. <br /> <br />Ms. Schulz clarified that there \vas consensus alnol1g the cOlnmissions that there was a conflict due to dust <br />and the majority believed that the conflict could be nlin1111ize.d but not with the standards 111dicated in the <br />staff report. <br /> <br />MINUTES-Lane County PlalU1ing Commission <br /> <br />July 25, 2006 <br /> <br />Page 11 <br />