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<br />Mr.. Belcher expressed frustration by his lack ofkno\vledge and being forced to. vote o.n an issue 11e did nat <br />clearly understand. He was ch.allenged to. ul1derstand hQW an aquaclude that prevented lo.SS of groundwater in <br />summer did not increase the chance of flooding in the \'(tinter.. <br /> <br />The E.ugenePlanning Comnlission took a straw vote o.n: If the conflict due to groundlvater <br />could be minimized through the conditions proposed by' the applicant to a level that lJ'let <br />applicable the state or.federal standards, or ifno government standard applied, could the <br />conflict be l11ini111ize(1. The result of the stra\vvote was 4; 1 vvith COilllllissioner Belcher <br />voting in opposition. <br /> <br />Mr. Belcher reconsidered his vote to be in favor of the stra\v poll later in the meeting. The <br />revised result of the stra\v vote \vas unaninlous, 5 :0. . <br /> <br />The Lane County Planning Con1n11ssion took a stra.w vote the result afvvhich \vas 2:4, with <br />Conlmissioners Becker, Kirkhan1~Arkin and Siekiel-Zdzienicki vo.ting in opposition. <br /> <br />o JVetlands and Sensitive Habitat: <br /> <br />· Is tit ere a cOllflict due to wetlaltds anti sensitive habitat? <br /> <br />Mr. Carron asked if the variance requested for non-residential lands included a reduced set-back on adjacent <br />properties on the northwest conler of the proposed site. <br /> <br />Ms. Schulz responded it \vould be outside of the 150 fQot setback. She COI1C1UTed \\lith Mr. Carroll's query <br />that since the setback under Goal 5 for gravel fell at least 150 feet from the lueander se,ar \vetlands, no <br />conflict existed. <br /> <br />Referring to a July 17, 2006 staff report, Ms. Arkin 110ted C01llInents that indicated a no fil1 and remo,re <br />pennit \vas necessary to minimize conflict. However~ she saw the issue as having potential fo.r a differellt <br />impact, from either flaoding or dewatering, that \\'ould create an impact on the ,wetlands. She said the issue <br />\VaS nQt 0Il1y about construction or fillin.g, but there could be itnpacts due to. the presence or absence of \vater. <br />She encouraged comll1issions to keep this in n1ind during their deliberations. <br /> <br />The Eugene Planning Conunission took a straw~ vote on: Is there a cot!flict due to }vetlands <br />and sensitive habitat? The result of the stra\v vote \vas 3:2\vith (~onunissioners Duncan and <br />Ca.rroll voting in opposition. <br />The Lane County Planning COl1]mission took a stra\v vote the result of\vhich \vas 4:2, \vith <br />Comnlissioners Cannichael and Sullivan vo.ting in oPPo.sition. <br /> <br />In respol1se to a question fro.m Mr. C arn1ichae I,. Mr.. Howe said tile intent of the question ("Is there a <br />standard that a]Jplies ?") \vas to serve. as a renlinder for comnlissioners to detenl1ine if there was a standard, <br />and had the applicant met that stalldard. He reiterated that Goal 5 ,vas a standard that applied to. all the <br />questions.. <br /> <br />· Do we believe tlte 'U-'etlands cOliflict call be ,ninimized through the applicant's <br />proposed conditiolls? <br /> <br />Ms. Arkin opined the applicant.wo.uld need to. file an Environt11ental Impact Statelnent (ElS) before the <br />question could be al1swered, and she did not see an EIS in the file. <br /> <br />Mr. Siekiel...Zdzienicki said the Santa Clara Waterway extended beyond the 1,500 footitnpact area, al1d an <br />impact in one place would impact all.the \vay along the 1,500 foot length to the river. <br /> <br />MINUTES- August 30, 2006 <br />Joint Lane County an.d Eugene Planning Commission <br /> <br />Page. 4 <br />