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<br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br /> <br />Eugene Code requires that a Metro Plan diagram amendment be consistent with the Metro Plan as well <br />as the Statewide Planning Goals. Existing policies support both the current Metro Plan designation of <br />Campus Industrial and the proposed Medium Density Residential designation. Exhibit D of Attachment <br />A, Staff Findings, evaluates the request relative to all applicable Metro Plan amendment criteria. Key <br />applicable policies from the Metro Plan related to the request are noted below. <br /> <br />Residential Land Use and Housing Element: <br />Generally locate higher density residential development near employment or commercial <br />services, in proximity to major transportation systems or within transportation-efficient nodes. <br />(Policy A.11) <br /> <br />Provide opportunities for a full range of choice in housing type, density, size, cost, and <br /> location. (Policy A.17) <br /> <br />Economic Element <br />Provide existing industrial activities sufficient adjacent land for future expansion. (Policy B.5) <br /> <br />Increase the amount of undeveloped land zoned for light industrial and commercial uses <br />correlating the effective supply in terms or suitability and availability with the projects of <br />demand (Policy B.6) <br /> <br />Transportation Element Policy <br />Require that new development pay for its capacity impact on the transportation system. (Finance <br />Policy F.36) <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br /> <br />After holding the public hearing, the City Council may: <br /> <br />1.As recommended by the Planning Commissions: Approve the Metro Plan amendment and automatic <br /> refinement plan amendment to change the designation of the subject parcels from Campus Industrial <br /> to Medium Density Residential by approving the draft ordinance and findings; <br /> <br />2.Approve the Metro Plan amendment and automatic refinement plan amendment with modified <br /> findings; or <br /> <br />3.Deny the Metro Plan amendment and automatic refinement plan amendment based on conflicts with <br /> Statewide Goals or Metro Plan policies. <br /> <br />If the council chooses to deliberate independent of the Lane County Board of Commissioners, City <br />Council action on this item is tentatively currently scheduled for March 12, 2007. <br /> <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />The City Manager recommends that the City Council adopt the Planning Commission recommendation <br />that the request complies with all applicable approval criteria, and that the Metro Plan amendment be <br />approved, automatically amending the Willakenzie Area Plan Refinement Plan. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2007 Council Agendas\M070222\S070222A.doc <br />