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Agenda Packet 9-9-19 Meeting
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Agenda Packet 9-9-19 Meeting
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MINUTES – Eugene City Council July 15, 2019 Page 2 <br />Joint Work Session <br />o Mr. Skov – Expressed confusion as to why it would be hard to develop on Coburg Roadnoting that transit is needed to accommodate redevelopment; discussed desire for analysisin the context of current transportation costs and types of transportation; discussed costsavings in effective transportation systems. <br />o Councilor Yeh – Discussed role as decision maker in the current conversation aroundtransportation planning; discussed package options; reminded community that board andcouncil are not committing dollars but are discussing current work in planning and visionplanning; inquired about reaching out to transit riders. <br />o Ms. Reid – Asked why Coburg Road was chosen over the Highway 99 to add into themodified package and discussed desire to include Highway 99; discussed similaritiesbetween goals of Transit Tomorrow and MovingAhead and the need for communityinvolvement. <br />o Councilor Pryor – Discussed process of change in a community and the need for decisionmakers to articulate net gain instead of loss from process; requested that the conversationbe centered around this articulation. <br />o Ms. Vargas – Asked staff what information community members are given about projectionof growth within an associated corridor related to the development. <br />o Councilor Zelenka – Discussed cost of projects and other considerations; discussedhistorical planning efforts for other projects; expressed support for transit investments. <br />o Mr. Yeh – Reiterated and explained reasons for support of Coburg Road development;discussed similar support for River Road development; expressed desire not to comparedevelopment of Coburg Road versus Highway 99. <br />o Councilor Taylor – Discussed support for development of EmX on Highway 99 and relatedbenefits; discussed desire for more frequent bus service; voiced support for variouspackages. <br />o Ms. Reid – Discussed climate change and bus service considerations; discussed LTD’s role toprovide service to all areas of Eugene; noted LTD’s efforts around tree planting andpreservation. <br />o Mayor Vinis – Discussed the different packages and their effect on local community areasand paradigms associated with each corridor; expressed support for adding a package thatincludes EmX on Highway 99. <br />o Councilor Syrett – Noted net gains in trees during development of West Eugene EmXdevelopment; expressed support for Highway 99 package; discussed timelines ofinvestments of housing alongside investments in transportation, expressed desire to putforth an additional package for EmX on Highway 99 and River Road, enhanced corridor for30th, EmX for Coburg, and enhanced corridor for Martin Luther King, BLVD.; reiterated Mr.Yeh’s comments about not pitting options against one another. <br />o Councilor Clark – Discussed difference in community goals among corridors andtransportation investments; expressed desire to learn from and analyze data fromcommunity who live along corridors to decrease car use in exchange for publictransportation. <br />o Mr. Yeh – Discussed reasons for taking a system-wide approach to analysis versus focusingon those who live along the corridor; reiterated support for Coburg developments;expressed support for additional package to include Highway 99. <br />o Councilor Zelenka – Expressed support for forwarding packages other than no-build;discussed east-west commuting challenges; expressed support for moving these packagesto public hearing; reiterated what current decisions are intended to accomplish. <br />o Councilor Pryor – Discussed transportation planning methods for the future; discusseddifference between village and city infrastructure needs. <br />September 9, 2019, Meeting – Item 2A
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