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Crest Drive Community Team Hosts Second Public Open House <br />Members of the Crest Drive Community Team (CDCT) and City staff involved in the context-sensitive <br />solutions (CSS) process met with approximately 40 neighbors and community residents at an open house <br />on Tuesday, February 13. Like the first CDCT open house held last fall, this event was designed to <br />provide the public with a detailed update of the work completed thus far and to offer additional <br />opportunities for direct feedback between the public and the CDCT. <br />Key elements of the February 13 open house included details of the recent decision to include the middle <br />section of Crest Drive to the project scope, a presentation of CDCT-developed transportation system <br />concepts, results of topographic survey work and right-of-way research, and additional information about <br />the City’s assessment policies and procedures. A common theme in participants’ inquiries during the <br />evening focused on project timeline and cost. According to the CDCT work plan, the goal is to present a <br />street design recommendation to the City Council by August 2007. <br />In addition to conversation between members of the CDCT and open house participants, a brief survey <br />designed to gather public opinion and provide further clarification about project concepts was distributed. <br />An electronic version of the survey is posted on the project website at <br />(click on Crest Drive) to provide broad opportunities for participation and comment. Survey results will be <br />incorporated into the CSS process. <br />For additional information, contact Transportation Planning Technician David Roth at Eugene Public <br />Works Engineering, 682-5727 or <br />City Website Public Involvement Project Underway <br />In conjunction with the University of Oregon’s Community Planning <br />Workshop, the City of Eugene is currently engaging the community <br />through a series of interviews, focus groups, surveys and workshops <br />about the City’s website. Staff is gathering information and opinions from <br />a diverse group of current and potential City website users, so that <br />everyone will have an opportunity to help guide and shape future updates <br />and additions to the City’s site. <br />Stakeholder interviews are complete and a report of key findings will be <br />available on the project web page at in <br />the near future. Stakeholder interviews served to assess key issues, <br />needs and priorities within the community to inform the focus group <br />process. Six focus groups are scheduled, beginning February 22, 2007, including representatives from <br />the following segments of the community: <br /> Neighborhood leaders and representatives; <br /> Land use interest groups (realtors, architects, planners, advocacy groups); <br /> Educators; <br /> Social service agencies; <br /> Volunteers who work with the City; and <br /> Public officials (City Council, elected officials, boards and commissions, on-going department <br />advisory committees). <br />Visit the project web page to stay informed about the progress of the project. An email sign-up form is <br />available to be notified of posted reports, upcoming web surveys and the community-wide workshop. For <br />more information about the website improvement project and public involvement, contact Kimberly <br />McCrea at 682-5234. <br />Toxics Program Moves Into Second Decade <br />Eugene's Toxics Right-to-Know Program, the only municipal program of its kind in the United States, <br />th <br />recently observed its 10 anniversary. Adopted by local voters in 1996, the program was administratively <br />structured during 1997, and 1998 was the first reporting year. When reports for 2006 are received this <br />spring, the program's website,, will provide nine years' worth of data on <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 <br />February 22, 2007 <br />