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CC Minutes - 12/13/06 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 12/13/06 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Kelly commended Mr. Papé for bringing an “independent voice” to the table. He thanked the Mayor <br />and his colleagues, City staff, and the people of the city of Eugene who “care enough to get involved.” He <br />also thanked the voters, adding that it had been a pleasure and a privilege to serve. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé thanked the citizens of Eugene “who let us know how they feel.” He extended his gratitude to his <br />colleagues and the Mayor. He added that he would miss Mr. Kelly. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy invited everyone to enjoy a piece of cake in their honor. <br /> <br /> <br />B. ACTION: <br /> <br />An Ordinance Concerning the Police Auditor and Civilian Review Board; Amending Section <br />2.013 of the Eugene Code, 1971; Adding Sections 2.240, 2.242, 2.244, 2.246, 2.450, 2.452, <br />2.454, and 2.456 to that Code; and Providing an Effective Date for Implementation (CB <br />#4936) <br /> <br />Police Auditor Cris Beamud highlighted the public hearing that had been held on December 11. She noted <br />that Mr. Poling had submitted an amendment he wished to place on the table in addition to Mr. Kelly’s <br />amendments. <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor noted that City Attorney Sharon Rudnick was available to respond to questions. He <br />hoped the council could take action on the ordinance during this meeting so that Ms. Beamud could begin <br />her work. <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon, seconded by Ms. Ortiz, moved that the City Council adopt Council Bill <br />4936, an ordinance concerning the Police Auditor and Civilian Review Board. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly, seconded by Ms. Ortiz, moved to amend Council Bill #4936 to make the follow- <br />ing changes: <br />1) Add a new definition to 2.452: Conclusion of any criminal investigation or conclusion <br />of any such criminal investigation. A criminal investigation is deemed concluded <br />when the appropriate criminal prosecutor decides either to press charges or to not <br />press charges. <br />2) Amend section 2.240(1) to delete the words “oversee and.” <br />3) Amend section 2.244(7) to delete the words “oversee and.” <br />4) Amend section 2.240 to include a new section: (4) The Civilian Review Board shall <br />serve as an advisory body to the City Council. <br />5) Amend section 2.456(2) as follows: The police auditor may require, and is authorized <br />to contract for, an external investigation when the police auditor determines that an <br />eternal investigation is appropriate. Necessary to reduce real or perceived bias or <br />that the investigation requires specialized skills internal investigators do not have. <br />6) Amend section 2.456(3)(a) as follows: The police auditor shall have complete an un- <br />restricted access to all complaint and investigative records and materials, and any <br />other information necessary for the performance of his/her specified duties. As pro- <br />vided in section 2.456(2)(d), the police auditor shall not have access to a criminal in- <br />vestigation file until the conclusion of any such criminal investigation the investiga- <br />tion or criminal proceedings have concluded <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council December 13, 2006 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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