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September 16, 2019, Public Hearing – Item 1 <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL <br />AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br />Public Hearing: An Ordinance Concerning Protections for Individuals and Amending Section 2.497 of the Eugene Code, 1971. Meeting Date: September 16, 2019 Agenda Item Number: 1 Department: Central Services Staff Contact: Jennifer Lleras Van Der Haeghen <br /> Contact Telephone Number: 541-682-5619 <br />ISSUE STATEMENT The City Council established an Ordinance for the Protection of Individuals in March 2017. This ordinance provides certain protections for all Eugene residents, including immigrants. Following the passage of this ordinance, the Eugene City Council requested a work session to better understand which individually identifiable data is collected and how it’s maintained. This information was provided in June 2018 to help the City Council determine if there are amendments to this ordinance that the City Council would like to adopt. Following that presentation and discussion, the City Council requested that staff draft potential language for amendment adoption to limit the information that is collected and maintained related to individually identifiable immigration status information. In July 2019, the City Council received a presentation with an update on the existing ordinance and was presented with draft language to amend the existing ordinance. Council voted unanimously to move the draft language, which would limit the information that is collected and maintained related to individually-identifiable immigration status, to a public hearing. <br />BACKGROUND At the November 14, 2016, meeting, City Council passed Resolution No. 5174 “declaring the City of Eugene’s commitment to being a welcoming, inclusive and safe community for everyone.” In response to continued community interest, City Council—at their December 12, 2016, meeting—directed the Mayor to form an Ad Hoc Committee to establish concepts, goals and outcomes for a potential ordinance. The Ad Hoc Committee met twice in late January and early February 2017 and presented their proposed outcomes for an ordinance to council at the February 22, 2017, work session. At the February 22, 2017, work session, council passed a motion to bring back a proposed ordinance for public hearing that would adopt the provisions of ORS 181A.820 and 181A.250 related to law enforcement personnel; expand the applicability of ORS 181A.820 to cover all other City employees; and prohibit all other City employees from collecting and maintaining information regarding political, religious or social views of individuals.