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in this Plan. Water Trails are designated routes on rivers or streams that are suitable for non -motorized <br />boating -canoes, kayaks, stand -up paddle boards, and tubes . Eugene contains a short section of the <br />federally designated Willamette River Water Trail, plus a number of other waterways that are often <br />used for recreation. <br />The Eugene Trails Plan will provide direction and help guide decision-making for the Eugene Parks and <br />Open Space Division as we continue to work to improve our recreational trail system to better meet the <br />needs of our growing community. Specifically, the plan is intended to help guide decisions that will : <br />• Increase public support and use of the trail system <br />• Increase trail system capacity <br />• Reduce user conflicts <br />• Improve connections between parks, natural areas , schools, and other open spaces <br />• Improve our ability to sustainably maintain the system with limited resources <br />• Leverage volunteer assistance, and develop improved partnerships with user groups <br />The Plan is also intended to accomplish these goals in a way that responds uniquely and creatively to our <br />local environmental and social conditions, and to do so over a planning horizon of approximately 20 <br />years. <br />About 67 separate trail related projects are <br />proposed in the plan including construction of new <br />trail segments, feasibility and compatibility studies, <br />and projects requiring acquisition of land or <br />easements. The intent of the Plan is that projects <br />requiring acquisitions by the City be done solely on <br />a willing seller basis, with voluntary participation <br />by interested property owners. <br />These 68 projects cover a very diverse and wide <br />range of work, and the ability of the City to <br />implement them is dependent on available <br />resources of both staff and funding to plan, build, <br />and maintain the work. It is unlikely that all <br />projects will be realized over the Eugene Trails <br />Plan's 20 -year planning horizon, so an important <br />component of the plan is its prioritization scheme <br />found in Section 5 . <br />Page2 <br />This excerpt (right) from an article printed <br />in the Eugene City Guard on May 12J 1877 <br />describes a trek to the Spencer Butte <br />summit/ led by Professor Thomas Condon <br />of the University of Oregon. <br />. Picimi-At. m early ,hour 1ast 8'ttml&y, <br />conUng to p-re'V;ious srrangemetits, Prof. C-0il• <br />don, accompanied by hi1 Umi~.-.ity clas.9, <br />started for the top of Spencer's butte:. Quite a <br />1.rui:,~ nu~ber. or ou.~ citizen:. 'in buggies,. h~s <br />and. 1lumber-'fl'SOntt; bn honeb&elt arid ,bn foot, <br />following in proeea.ion. 'The road being 1·~rY <br />rough a.nd the hµl~ rather steeJl,' before ~c11- <br />'ing the bu\te all the male . 1>0rtion of \ho. com- <br />pany, and quite A~large · "-aprinkling" of the fe- <br />.'mal", enjuy~ tbe luxury of a good .long walk <br />in the f~h mountain air. The Jo\Jl'ftey· to the <br />bMe of the butte wu :made wi\hout aerloua &c- <br />cident to · any one, and tho ~tnpany baited on <br />,1-I • ' • , the -8uthweat. 11oe, ,hitched ~be teams and tnnde <br />ready-for a u1oni pun. a strqng -pull.'' and hot <br />pull up to ·•he ~p. ln ;a .,hon time tlae ,; "'est <br />•1de of t.he wu· dotkd. '•here and . there <br />with ped0;9tri.a.QB -of all i..ptj atruggling \l p , the <br />•teep aacent.... Finally th~ summit '\\·as ~ached <br />by all, excep\ one or two whose phy1dcnl <br />wtrength rai,ed them. ·What A grand dt!W of <br />magnifk~nt ~nery bunt .upon the vii,hm! We <br />hardly ~1ink tbert1 is a.mJtlu:r spot iu Ore~on <br />Y~s on the Pacific l'<>O.Ht -pr~dentilig tiUch ' . .:rnn<l and vroi~c.l sL-em:ry aa the top or Spt,•ncer <br />Butte. <br />Eugene Trails Plan -2018