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invasive vegetation from the city's natural resource and open space areas and ensure that conveyance in waterways is <br />unobstructed. For more information about this project and other work of the crew, contact John Clark in Parks and Open <br />Space at 682-4826. <br /> <br />City Sin.qers: Harmonizinq Across Departments <br />Come enjoy the City Singers at the downtown library on <br />First Friday, February 6, at 6:30 p.m. The choir, <br />started in 1999 by Diversity Committee member <br />Maureen Robeson for a City-wide Diversity event, is <br />composed entirely of City of Eugene employees <br />volunteering to make music and community. In <br />keeping with the spirit of diversity, musical selections <br />range widely and entertainingly across continents and <br />centuries. <br /> <br />City Singers provides a rare opportunity for staff in all <br />areas and at all levels to step out of work roles and <br />create something truly wonderful and fulfilling. Nearly <br />every department is represented. All City employees <br />are invited to join (rehearsals require an unpaid lunch <br />hour once or twice a week for a couple of months <br />before each performance). While some of the City <br />Singers belong to other singing groups, many last <br />performed during their high school days -- and some have never before performed outside their own cars or showers. <br />Hard to believe, when you hear how great they sound! For more information, contact Maureen Robeson, LRCS <br />Administration, at 682-6065. <br /> <br />Library Receives Hiqh Marks in Community Survey <br />The community's investment in a new library appears to be paying off: eight out of ten respondents (81%) to the City of <br />Eugene Community Survey released today feel that the City does an above-average job of providing library services, a <br />27% increase from 2001. The survey, conducted annually for more than a decade, polls Eugene residents about <br />community priorities and City government and services. <br /> <br />Perceptions of the City's recreation programs for children 12-17 also show marked improvement, with 38% of <br />respondents identifying those programs as above average, a 41% increase from 2001. Other areas showing significant <br />increases in above-average ratings: encouraging the use of the bus system (72%, up 22%), Cuthbert Amphitheater <br />(52%, up 27%), and providing leadership for the city (33%, up 27%). <br /> <br />On the other hand, ongoing concern in the surrounding community about animal control ~ssues is reflected in a 22% <br />decline since 2001 in the percentage of respondents who feel the City does an above-average job of providing animal <br />control services. <br /> <br />The two areas with the highest percentage of respondents who believe the City is doing a below-average job, planning <br />and managing growth and managing tax dollars, are topics about which community sentiment is particularly unstable or <br />divided. <br /> <br />For example, 30% of respondents feel that Eugene does a below-average job of planning and managing growth. <br />However, several survey questions related to population and economic development display a lack of unanimity and <br />consistency from the community on its priorities. The percentage of respondents who feel that population growth in <br />Eugene is "too fast" decreased 43% over the past four years after rising sharply from 1995 to 1998. Economic growth <br />strategies also meet with varying support. While the majority believes that Eugene should take an active role in helping <br />businesses, the level of support varies significantly depending on what form that assistance takes. Support for the idea <br /> <br />that the City should help outside companies come to Eugene is 25% lower than support for helping local businesses <br />create jobs. Support for providing tax incentives to businesses is 38% lower than providing problem-solving assistance. <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 <br />March 17, 2004 <br /> <br /> <br />