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MINUTES – Eugene City Council September 16, 2019 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />o Councilor Semple – asked for clarification about the dates when codeamendments must be in place; asked what the process would be locally if HB2001 were to be repealed in the next legislative session; reminded everyone thatcouncil instructed staff to work on advocating for a repeal of HB 2001. <br />o Mayor Vinis – reminded everyone that the topic was on the agenda for “possibleaction” and council has the option not to vote on a topic at any time. <br />o Councilor Taylor –wanted more time to respond to public concerns on the topic. <br />o Councilor Syrett – noted that not all councilors were in favor of changing theregulations on ADUs simply because the state legislature was requiring it, butthat some members wanted to make it easier for ADUs to be built. <br />VOTE: PASSED 5:3, Councilors Yeh, Syrett and Pryor opposed. Principal Planner Alissa Hunter Hansen gave an overview of the history of council’s discussion of the topic and listed which regulations were included in the previous public hearing. Deputy City Attorney Emily Jerome reviewed the cases appealed to the Land Use Board of Appeals over the summer and explained that the parking regulations had been eliminated from the draft ordinance to comply with State law in time for the deadline at the end of the calendar year. <br />o Councilor Clark – asked whether council could prohibit ADUs from becoming short-term rentals and any other standards council could include to protect the stabilityand integrity of neighborhoods; shared plan to introduce a motion to explore thecreation of a 10-year property tax exemption on any additional structural value foranyone who builds an ADU <br />MOTION: Councilor Clark, seconded by Councilor Syrett, moved to direct the City Manager to return to council with language that would allow a 10-year property tax exemption for any additional property value from building an ADU. <br />o Councilor Clark – said he thought a property tax exemption would make ADUs moreaffordable to build. <br />o Councilor Syrett –seconded the motion because she would like to make ADUs morefinancially accessible to residents; would be interested in strategies. <br />o Councilor Yeh – wanted to know what other options might accomplish the sameoutcomes, such as waiving system development charges; proposed friendlyamendment— accepted by Councilor Clark and Councilor Syrett—that wouldinclude additional strategies to ease the development costs of ADUs. <br />o Councilor Semple – said she was not supportive of a tax exemption but would besupportive of a reduction in system development charges. <br />o Councilor Pryor – supported the idea of a property tax exemption, but not ofreduced SDCs because people building new properties should be required to fundthe community benefits. <br />o Councilor Evans – echoed Councilor Pryor’s sentiments, noting a gap between thecurrent SDCs and park needs; was supportive of a tax exemption. <br />o Councilor Clark – disagreed that there was need for more SDCs to fund parks. <br />September 14, 2019, Meeting - Item 2A