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<br />ATTACHMENT F <br /> <br />EIJGE.N'E 'URBAN REN'E'VAI,~, AGENC\T <br />AGE.NnDAITEIVI. SU'}\tllVlARY <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Work SeSSi01.1: West :Broad\\ray :PtlfCl1ase Options <br /> <br />Meeting'Date: November 27, 2006 <br />Department: Planning and Development <br />rVlfJ14l. eugene-ar.gall <br /> <br />i\genda Iten1 ',N'umber: B <br />Staff Contact: M,ike Sullivan <br />Contact Telephone Nlul1ber: 682-5448 <br /> <br />ISS'UE STArrElVtE.NT <br />The 'Urban Renewal Agency (lJRA) has secllred p'urchase options on se\lera.l dovvntoWJl properties along <br />West 'Broadway betweenWilbunette Street and Charnelton Street. These options provide the <br />opportunity to pursue a cot1:lprehensive redeTveloplnent stratehry~ fbrWestBroadway. The IJR~J\ is asked <br />to consider issuing a Request for Qualifications (R,F(~) for selection of a q~lalified developer(s) as the <br />next step in. in1.plelnenting this redeveloPlnent strategy. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />On January 9, 2006, the City Council disGussed thc'{:onnor and Woolley/Opus development proposal, <br />including tools that the C,ity .Jvlanagerand staff might use to facilitate the acquisition of property that <br />may be needed for any conlprehensive redevelopment of the West Broadvvay area. The council passed a <br />motion 7: 1 to "direct the City ~1anager to "\lork ,,\lith Connor and Woolley on developing a more detailed <br />proposal related to West Broadway development to be brought back to the council. This nlotion in no <br />way endorses the concept of the proposal." The City 'Nlanager understood from the discussion and <br />action that everything short of condemnation ShOllld be pursued in order to assist in the redevelopment <br />of the West Broadvvay area. <br /> <br />At the end of A.pril 2006, Connor and Woolley/Opus announced that the\tVest ,Broadvvay proposal \vas <br />no longer viable" primarily 'because they \vere u.nable to acquire the property needed for the development <br />env~isioned.'Follovv'ing the announcernent, staffhegan expl()ring,^,~ays the City could assist in <br />asselllbHng land for the potential redevelopment, including the possibility of acq'uiring purchase options <br />on the properties in this tvvo-block area of do\vnto\vn,. \l\lith the intention of bringing tbe purchase <br />options~ once a.cquired, to the URA for direction. The URf\ entered into a contractual agreenlent \vith <br />real estate professional John 'Brown of Evans, Elder & Bro\\~n to begin pursuing purchase options on the <br />properties. <br /> <br />~rhe two-block area on botb sides of Broad'\Nay includes 12difIerent property O\NI1ers. AU of the <br />property ovvners, including C:onnor and Woolley, ha\re received offers fronl the LYRA. ~1ost of these <br />offers have gone through a series of negotiations and counter offers. 'The lJR~A.has acquired options <br />frona six of the pr()perty o\vners located in this tvvo-block redevelopment footprint along \Vest Broadwa.y <br />(including Connor and \Vooney for three oft.he properties they o\vn along \Vest .Broadway), <br />Negotiations with three additional property owners ,should be finaJized in the near future. rrbe 'URA has <br />secllred purchase options on properties that include a bulk of the properties along three full block faces <br />on West Broadway, including the north and south sides of the block betvveen Wil1anlette Street and <br />Olive Street, and the south side of the block bet\veen Olive St.reet and Charnelton Street. <br /> <br />L:\Cfv10\2006 Council i\...gendas\~/1061127\8061127B.doc <br />