described on Exhibit 17 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
<br />(The segment of Ruby Avenue is that portion that extends from the west property
<br />line of Tax Lot 4500, Assessor’s Map 17-04-11-44, to the west property line of
<br />Tax Lot 3103, Assessor’s Map 17-04-11-43). (Walker and Bush Investment
<br />V/Ruby Avenue, C EU 06-06)
<br />
<br />Section 18.
<br /> The following territory in Lane County, Oregon, annexed to the City of
<br />Eugene on March 20, 2006, by Final Order No. 1274 of the Lane County Local Government
<br />Boundary Commission approved on February 2, 2006, is withdrawn from the Santa Clara Water
<br />District, effective July 1, 2007:
<br />
<br />Tax Lot 3200, Assessor's Map 17-04-11-42, located in the Santa Clara region of
<br />north Eugene, north of Beltline Road, west of River Road, north of Irving Road,
<br />east of Irving Court, and more particularly described on Exhibit 18 attached
<br />hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (Adams, C EU 06-09)
<br />
<br /> Section 19.
<br /> The following territory in Lane County, Oregon, annexed to the City of
<br />Eugene on May 17, 2006, by Final Order No. 1273 of the Lane County Local Government
<br />Boundary Commission approved on Febraury 2, 2006, is withdrawn from the Santa Clara Water
<br />District, effective July 1, 2007:
<br />
<br />Tax Lot 1300, Assessor's Map 17-04-02-34, and portions of Byron Street, Argon
<br />Avenue, and Irvington Drive, located in the Santa Clara region of north Eugene,
<br />north of Beltline Road, west of River Road, north of Irvington Drive, east of
<br />Byron Street, west of Countryside Lane, and more particularly described on
<br />Exhibit 19 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (The segment of
<br />Byron Street is that portion located west and south of Tax Lot 1300; the segment
<br />of Argon Avenue is that portion located north of Tax Lot 1300 at the north end of
<br />Byron Street; the segment of Irvington Drive is that portion located east of Byron
<br />Street to the existing city limits just west of River Road). (Walden/Byron Street/
<br />Irvington Drive/Argon Avenue, C EU 06-08)
<br />
<br /> Section 20.
<br /> The following territory in Lane County, Oregon, annexed to the City of
<br />Eugene on May 17, 2006, by Final Order No. 1270 of the Lane County Local Government
<br />Boundary Commission approved on February 2, 2006, is withdrawn from the Santa Clara Water
<br />District, effective July 1, 2007:
<br />
<br />Tax Lot 300, Assessor's Map 17-04-02-11, and a portion of Scenic Drive, located
<br />in the Santa Clara region of north Eugene, north of Beltline Road, east of River
<br />Road, west of Scenic Drive, north of Spring Creek Drive, north and south of
<br />Herman Street, and more particularly described on Exhibit 20 attached hereto and
<br />incorporated herein by reference. (The segment of Scenic Drive is that portion
<br />located from Spring Creek Drive to the north property line of Tax Lot 200,
<br />Assessor’s Map 17-04-02-11). (G&R/JLA, LLC/Scenic Drive, C EU 06-04)
<br />
<br /> Section 21.
<br /> The following territory in Lane County, Oregon, annexed to the City of
<br />Eugene on May 17, 2006, by Final Order No. 1272 of the Lane County Local Government
<br />
<br />Ordinance - 6
<br />L:\CMO\2007 Council Agendas\M070312\S0703124-attA.doc
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