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MOTION AND VOTE: Councilor Pryor, seconded by Councilor Syrett, moved to initiate <br />land use code amendments to allow digital billboards and digital readerboards within <br />the city and to implement changes to the sign regulations identified by staff that are <br />legally required or necessary to clarify the current regulations. PASSED 4:2, Councilors <br />Taylor and Semple opposed. <br />2. WORK SESSION: Alley Access Lots <br />Principal Planner Alissa Hunter Hansen introduced the topic, explaining what an alley access lot <br />is, where they are permitted, and the standards that currently apply to them. <br />Council Discussion <br />o Councilor Pryor - thought the issue needed to be addressed within the confines of House <br />Bill 2001; supported opportunities to add to the community's housing stock while ensuring <br />and protecting neighborhood livability. <br />o Councilor Syrett - expressed concern that many building requirements for alley access lots <br />were different from regular lots; supported looking at regulations that only mitigate unique <br />issues such as size and privacy considerations. <br />o Councilor Semple - supported efforts to create more housing, including on alley lots; agreed <br />that regulations for building on alley access lots should be the same as regular lots except <br />where unique aspects need to be addressed; asked questions about who is responsible for <br />maintaining and improving the alleys, what width an alley is required to be, and what <br />parking requirements there are for alley lots. <br />o Councilor Clark - noted that tiny or smaller homes are not necessarily more affordable; <br />construction and operation costs are expensive. <br />o Councilor Taylor - said the restrictions on alley access lots make a lot of sense and are the <br />product of a detailed process; warned against making casual changes to current laws. <br />The meeting adjourned at 1:07 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />BGt� J...t <br />Beth Forrest <br />(Recorded by Cas Casados) <br />View the webcast of this work session here. <br />MINUTES — Eugene City Council September 18, 2019 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />