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CC MInutes - 10/22/01 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC MInutes - 10/22/01 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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Referring to Item B, Councilor Meisner expressed a desire to allow a public hearing. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilor Kelly regarding whether the full application was <br />presented before the public hearing, City Manager Jim Johnson said that usually, an application <br />was presented to the Planning Division, in full, prior to the public hearing. Councilor Kelly raised <br />concern that if the council set a date for the public hearing that evening, the applicant would <br />present new information at the public hearing. He expressed his preference to see all of the <br />information before the meeting. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilor Kelly regarding whether the council had legal grounds to <br />deny a public hearing for the time being, City Attorney Jerry Lidz cited ORS 271.100, which stated <br />that the city governing body may deny the petition after notice to the petitioners of such proposed <br />action, but if there appeared to be no reason why the petition should not be allowed, the <br />governing body shall fix a time for a formal hearing. He noted that staff had presented the council <br />with reasons for denying a hearing. He cautioned that this was only one statute among a set of <br />statutes, and said that a more detailed response could be given at a later time. <br /> <br />Councilor Taylor said that a hearing was premature and she was against setting a date for a <br />hearing at that time. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman urged support of the staff recommendation to deny the hearing at that time. <br />She stressed that the application was not complete and raised concern that there was nothing for <br />staff to provide a recommendation on and nothing for the public to provide testimony on. She <br />suggested setting a date for a public hearing after the completed application was submitted to <br />staff. <br /> <br />Councilor Rayor noted that the alley in question was very busy and said he was inclined to allow a <br />public hearing to learn where the displaced traffic, bicycles, and pedestrians would be channeled <br />when the alley was closed. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilor Pap~ regarding the reason that particular alley vacation <br />needed a development plan, City Manager Johnson noted that a public hearing was always called <br />for and said that it was at the public hearing where the applicant tried to explain compliance with <br />State law. He indicated that staff was having difficulty in seeing how the petition complies with <br />State law. <br /> <br />City Manager Johnson noted that PeaceHealth was planning to do a development plan and <br />opined that the impacts on pedestrians and bicycles could be described at that time. <br /> <br />Councilor Kelly commented that a master plan took months or years. He said he did not expect to <br />see a fully fleshed out master plan before the hearing but expressed a desire to have a public <br />hearing after the submittal of an application with more information. <br /> <br />Councilor Meisner raised concern over denying a public hearing based on a presumption of the <br />merits of the application by staff. He stressed that a public hearing did not guarantee approval or <br />denial of the application request for a vacation. He expressed his preference to have a hearing <br />and make a decision at that time. <br /> <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council October 22, 2001 Page 2 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />
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