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CC Minutes - 01/24/00 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 01/24/00 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Meisner hoped the education campaign was not a one-time "splash" and that it would be an <br />ongoing effort, both budgetarily and in the commission's work plan. He concurred with Mayor <br />Torrey's remarks about the need for an emphasis on children. Responding to remarks made by <br />Mayor Torrey and Ms. Taylor, Mr. Meisner said that the City should be cautious about the way in <br />approached offenders because, to the extent one says to an offender, "1 understand where you <br />come from," it made it all the more difficult for those who were victims to come forward and seek <br />help. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner emphasized the importance of prosecution and sanctions to the prevention of hate <br />crimes. <br /> <br /> Mr. Meisner moved, seconded by Ms. Nathanson, to approve the <br /> amendments to the Human Rights Commission's fiscal year 2000 Work Plan. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor said that the most difficult prejudices to overcome were those one was not ashamed <br />of. She thought that was why prejudice against sexual orientation was so difficult to overcome. <br />Ms. Taylor believed that people were unashamedly prejudiced against the "mall rats." <br /> <br /> The motion passed unanimously, 8:0. <br /> <br /> Mr. Meisner moved, seconded by Ms. Nathanson, to authorize the <br /> expenditure of up to $10,000 from the contingency fund for a hate crimes <br /> awareness campaign. The motion passed unanimously, 8:0. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey thanked the commission, staff, and others involved in the coalition. <br /> <br />B. Work Session on Police/Fire Stations Task Force <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson indicated that the motions related to the item tabled from a council meeting in December would <br />be brought back at a later time. <br /> <br />Jim Carlson, Assistant City Manager, reported that the Police/Fire Stations Task Force had met twice. He <br />referred the council to the time line and general work program included in the meeting packet. He also noted <br />the inclusion of a proposal for public involvement in the packet. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner moved, seconded by Ms. Nathanson, to confirm the formation, charge, <br />and time line for the Police/Fire Stations Task Force and to receive a recommendation <br />from the task force by February 28, 2000. <br />Ms. Taylor did not support the motion as she was not prepared to move the police out of City Hall at this <br />time. She did not think the community was ready to make a decision about paying for the move at this time <br />and believed the council was acting too fast. Ms. Taylor pointed out that the voters would also be asked to <br />support the schools with more money in May. She believed that there were other ways to address the <br />problem, such as moving the Fire Station and expanding the Police Department into that space. She said that <br />any move from City Hall should be prefaced by years of planning, and the community should see the need for <br />the move. <br /> <br />Mr. Rayor clarified that the motion was not related to the sale of City Hall. Mr. Johnson agreed. Mr. Rayor <br />asked if the task force was charged with developing a funding strategy. Mr. Johnson responded that the task <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council January 24, 2000 Page 6 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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