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<br /> <br />MINUTES – Eugene City Council Work Session January 21, 2020 Page 5 <br /> <br />MOTION TO AMEND: Councilor Semple, seconded by Councilor Clark, moved to amend section 25 to replace the proposed additional text: Additional one family dwelling in the SJW Jefferson Westside Special Area Zone or the R-2 sub area of the SC Chambers Special Area Zone in Table 9.6410 with the following text: For one additional one family dwelling in the R-2 subarea of the SC Chambers Special Area Zone. <br /> Mayor Vinis – asked for clarification about what the current ordinance says and what it would say if this motion were passed. <br /> Councilor Zelenka – clarified that the motion would strike “SJW Jefferson Westside Special Area Zone or”; asked if this motion would make the code consistent with the last motion passed. <br /> Councilor Yeh – asked for further clarification about how this motion clarifies the first motion; asked if these changes will comply with state requirements. VOTE ON MOTION TO AMEND: PASSED 8:0. <br />MOTION TO DIVIDE: Councilor Taylor, seconded by Councilor Clark, moved to give the City Manager final direction for preparing of the draft ordinance through separate motions that address each of the regulatory topics originally set out in the 2/20/2019 Summary and Initial Analysis of Accessory Dwelling Regulation Matrix. <br /> Councilor Pryor - said council had been talking about this for so long and he didn’t see the benefit of breaking up the ordinance, that it’s in a comprehensive form and council should move forward on the ordinance as a package. <br /> Councilor Syrett – said she was going to vote against the motion because council had discussed each issue on an individual basis and taken votes along the way and she didn’t see the purpose in doing that again. <br /> Councilor Clark – said some of council’s specific questions couldn’t be answered yet and there were some that are dependent upon LUBA’s decision; said he was uncomfortable with portions of the proposed motion, especially the lack of a clear definition for an ADU; said he would vote in favor of the motion but wished for greater clarity. <br /> Councilor Semple – said that council had already talked about all of these issues and at this point they needed to make some decisions to move forward, acknowledging that case law will clarify and develop things; said she was ready to move on to the next phase. <br /> Councilor Zelenka – said council had discussed each of these issues individually and he was ready to move on. VOTE ON MOTION TO DIVIDE: FAILED 2:6, Councilors Taylor and Clark voted in favor. <br /> Councilor Semple – asked staff to go over the issues related to flag lots. <br /> Councilor Taylor – said she would be voting against the motion because she didn’t want to get rid of owner occupancy requirements, opposed allowing ADUs on flag lots, and expressed concern that affordable housing will get torn down and luxury places will be built instead. <br /> Councilor Zelenka – said he would reluctantly vote in favor; said he thought parts of the ordinance will be counterproductive, but that the intent of the state law was clear and these changes make the City’s code in compliance with the law. VOTE ON MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED: PASSED 6:2, Councilors Taylor and Clark opposed. <br />February 24, 2020, Meeting - Item 2ACC Agenda - Page 9