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City Engineer Les Lyle reported for the Public Works Department. He reported that the majority <br />of the sports fields called for in the past bond issue were completed. He said that Bethel <br />Community Park and Magnum Park were completed in the Bethel-Danebo area. <br /> <br />Mr. Lyle said that the department was actively involved in open space acquisition. He reported <br />that the department was in the process of acquiring nearly 100 acres of open space and future <br />park sites. He cited University Commons as an example. He said that a report would be issued <br />in October to keep the council up-to-date with what was happening. <br /> <br />Regarding the future, Mr. Lyle said that the City would continue to acquire sites. He noted that a <br />large site in Santa Clara was being reviewed. He added that several new park sites would be <br />constructed. <br /> <br />Regarding the Healthy Natural and Built environment, Mr. Lyle said the environmental policy team <br />had completed the request for proposal (RFP) process and selected a consultant to do an <br />environmental audit of the City's practices with an initial focus on the Endangered Species Act. <br />He said that the effort would be ongoing over the next several months. <br /> <br />Mr. Lyle said that the tree ordinance was being discussed as part of the Land Use Code Update. <br /> <br />Regarding future activities, Mr. Lyle said that the department would continue to work on the <br />adoption of the Stormwater Basin Plan and new development requirements. He added that they <br />would be coming back to the Council for adoption of interim stream setback requirements. He <br />added that stormwater management issues in Santa Clara was another issue the department <br />was working on. <br /> <br />Regarding safe and efficient infrastructure, Mr. Lyle said that several street projects were <br />completed over the summer. He said that there was ongoing work on the arterial and collector <br />street assessment policy. He added that staff was also working on transportation systems <br />development charges with the Public Works Rates Advisory Committee. <br /> <br />Director Angel Jones reported for the Library, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department <br />(LRCS). Ms. Jones said that there wad progress in developing a comprehensive youth strategy. <br />She said that one of the major highlights of the strategy was the Summer Fun For All Program. <br />She said that, through her department's partnerships with other agencies, it was able to increase <br />the number of sites from 10 to 15 and served 2472 individual youth with 82,000 hours of <br />programming. She noted that this would not have been possible without the partnerships with <br />other agencies. <br /> <br />Ms. Jones said that, in the future, her department would continue to look at working with partner <br />agencies as well as implementing the comprehensive youth strategy that was developed by the <br />task force. She noted that funding would be a major challenge for LRCS since it depended on <br />General Fund dollars. <br /> <br />Ms. Jones said that the new library site would be ready for the contractor as soon as one was <br />selected. She went on to say that the Bethel branch of the library had signed up 225 new library <br />patrons. She said that this exceeded all anticipated goals for that branch. She added that she <br />expected the same results for the Sheldon branch when it opened in November. She cautioned <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council September 27, 2000 Page 5 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />