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Item A: Role of IGR Committee and Process to Establish Legislative Policy
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2007
CC Agenda - 04/11/07 Work Session
Item A: Role of IGR Committee and Process to Establish Legislative Policy
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4/6/2007 8:22:27 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />The IGR Committee reviews the analysis of each bill and can ask staff to provide more detail on a <br />particular aspect of the bill review. The committee then votes to agree to or modify the staff position <br />on the bill. <br /> <br />The next step in the process is the ratification of the recommendations of the IGR Committee by the <br />full City Council. The minutes of the meeting are placed on the council agenda for approval. This <br />provides direction and guidance to staff in Salem on positions on various bills. All of the analysis <br />review and processing of the bills needs to occur within a very short turnaround time due to the pace of <br />the work in Salem during the legislative session. <br /> <br />At any point in the process, any member of the council can ask that the full council discuss a bill. The <br />operating agreements of the IGR Committee have required that the full City Council pull any vote on a <br />bill which has not received a unanimous vote at the IGR Committee for a discussion. <br /> <br />The above-described process and procedures were discussed and affirmed at the most recent process <br />session held on September 18, 2006 (see attachments A and B). <br /> <br />At the IGR meeting of February 13, 2007, a discussion ensued regarding the role of the IGR <br />Committee, the authority of the committee to direct lobbying positions and when the full City Council <br />should be asked to review a bill. Also at that meeting, a motion, which received unanimous support, <br />was made to have bills related to human resources come before the committee. The minutes of that <br />meeting are attached to this summary (see Attachment C). <br /> <br />In sum, the purpose of this work session is to clarify the role of the IGR Committee in making <br />recommendations to the full City Council and answer the following policy questions. Are the <br />recommendations of the IGR Committee the position of the City Council until such time that the full <br />council approves or modifies those recommendations? Or, are the recommendations advisory until the <br />full council has the opportunity to review the work of the IGR Committee? What is the role of the <br />IGR Committee in the review of collective bargaining and/or personnel matters? <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />When staff reviews bills, existing City policies and practices are considered, as well as the set of <br />legislative policies that have been approved by the City Council. (The City Council approved the <br />Legislative Policies for the 2007 Legislative Session on November 8, 2006.) The legislative policy <br />document covers a number of matters of importance to the City of Eugene including home rule, <br />taxation, youth, telecom, housing, public safety and land use. <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />The City Council has several options with regard to this issue: <br />. Take no action and continue the current practices. <br />. Refine or revise the current process ground rules with regard to the IGR Committee and/or revise <br />the role IGR Committee itself. <br />. Repeal Resolution No. 413 9 regarding the role of the City Manager on the matters of collective <br />bargaining and personnel matters. <br /> <br />LICMOl2007 Council AgendaslM070411 IS070411A.doc <br />
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