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Admin Order 58-20-05
City of Eugene
Administrative Orders
Admin Order 58-20-05
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2/28/2020 4:46:09 PM
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2/28/2020 4:46:01 PM
City Recorder
Admin Orders
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ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 58-20-05 <br />of the <br />Traffic Engineer of the City of Eugene <br />CLOSURE OF ONE DRIVEWAY ACCESS ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE <br />26™ BLOCK OF WILLAMETTE STREET. <br />The Traffic Engineer of the City of Eugene finds that: <br />A. Under the provisions of Chapter IV, Section 16 of the Eugene Charter of 2002, the <br />City Manager is designated as the administrative head of the City, and is specifically authorized <br />to enforce all ordinances of the City. In addition, EC 5.040 authorizes the City Manager or the <br />Manager's designee to take administrative action to "provide for and regulate access to and from <br />any street." EC 5.055 sets forth the criteria the City Manager or the City Manager's designee <br />should consider when taking administrative action authorized by EC 5.040. <br />B. On September 24, 2009, the City Manager issued Administrative Order No. 58-09- <br />14 granting the Traffic Engineer of the Public Works Department the authority to exercise all of <br />the duties and responsibilities specifically defined as those of the City Manager in Section 5.040 <br />and 5.050 of the Eugene Code, 1971. In addition, Administrative Rule R-5.045 assigns additional <br />responsibilities to the Traffic Engineer. <br />C. By Administrative Order No. 58-17-08, the City Manager appointed me as the <br />City's Traffic Engineer and delegated to me authority to exercise all duties and responsibilities <br />granted to the City Manager by EC 5.040 and 5.050. <br />D. In making the decision to close one driveway on the east side of the 26 th block of <br />Willamette Street as shown on the attachment to this administrative order, I have considered all <br />the applicable criteria set forth in EC 5.055. Based on the applicable criteria set forth in EC 5.055, <br />the following findings support my decision to close one driveway: <br />1) The existing site conditions include four driveways on the east side of Willamette Street <br />serving the building that includes 2655, 2673, 2675, 2681, and 2695 Willamette Street <br />and two driveways serving that building from East 27 th A venue. <br />2) After the closure of one driveway on the east side of Willamette Street, the building <br />will continue to be served by three reconfigured driveways providing direct access onto <br />Willamette Street And two driveways located on E 27 th A venue (including one that <br />provides access to the parking lot along the building's Willamette Street frontage). <br />3) The closure of the driveway is consistent with the principle of reducing conflicts <br />between motor vehicle ingress and egress and people walking on the sidewalk, biking <br />on the street or sidewalk, and driving along the street. <br />4) The closure of the driveway will enable the public to use Willamette Street in a more <br />efficient, safe, and multi-modal manner, and therefore, is in the best interest of the <br />public health, safety, and welfare. <br />Administrative Order --Page 1 of 5
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