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CC Minutes - 11/08/00 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 11/08/00 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Monjaras said that the student council frequently discussed the fact that Churchill was more <br />culturally diverse and had advanced multi-culturally compared to other schools. He said that it <br />was to Churchill's advantage that it did have a special counselor. He expressed the wish other <br />schools had such staff. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson noted the City's lack of authority over the school districts and said the council had <br />no direct way to influence the district's activities. She said that there may be other ways for the <br />council to help the students achieve their goals, such as through the Human Rights Commission <br />or City volunteer programs. <br /> <br />Martin Larson and Jenny Shephard from North Eugene High School joined the council. Ms. <br />Shepard and Mr. Larson provided the council with an update about activities at the school, <br />including Project Gift, a food bank program, the school's participation with United Way, and <br />efforts to improve school spirit. <br /> <br />Paige Beckley and Evan Rutter of Sheldon High School joined the council. Mr. Rutter discussed <br />the intersection at Crescent and Norkenzie roads and stressed the need for improvements. He <br />also noted the four-way stop between Sheldon and Bi-Mad and said that the students thought a <br />light would be better located at the four-way stop than at the intersection at Oasis Fine Foods. <br /> <br />Responding to a question from Ms. Bettman, Mr. Rutter said that the intersection was dangerous <br />because it had formerly been a four-way stop instead of a light, and many people did not realize <br />that. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey noted that the light referred to by Mr. Rutter had been installed at the behest of <br />students with disabilities from Sheldon High School. Ms. Beckley acknowledged it was used by <br />those students. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly asked about the students' perceptions about the impact of the new sports fields on <br />neighbors who had expressed concerns about parking, noise, and lights. Mr. Rutter said that all <br />entrances from side streets were gated off and the only entrance to the field was through the <br />Sheldon parking lot, so there was no traffic on the streets. He thought that the noise was down. <br />Ms. Beckley thought there was less traffic on the side streets and the sound system was not <br />loud. Mr. Rutter said that all the students liked it and it was great to have a home field. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey noted that Mr. Rutter was representing Eugene at the League of Oregon Cities <br />Youth Conference in Portland during the upcoming weekend. <br /> <br />Henry Golden and Sarah Dotters-Katz of South Eugene High School discussed teen alcohol and <br />drug use. Mr. Golden characterized the use as serious and widespread and said he was <br />personally familiar with students' use. He said that at a recent party police had ensured that <br />those in attendance were cited as minors in possession, but the police did nothing to ensure that <br />students did not drive home in an impaired condition. He said that he was aware of some <br />students who drove home drunk and advocated for City provision of alternatives for teenagers on <br />weekend evenings. <br /> <br />Ms. Dotters-Katz said that South Eugene High School students really appreciated their new field <br />and it had increased school spirit. <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council November 8, 2000 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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