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CC Minutes - 11/15/00 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 11/15/00 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Pap~ reported that the Police Commission would meet with the council in several weeks and <br />members looked forward to the council's review of its new work plan. He said that the <br />commission had formed a Use of Force Subcommittee that was working on the City's use of <br />force continuum. The subcommittee, chaired by Floyd Prozanski, was meeting twice a month <br />and would report back to the full commission in April 2001. Mr. Pap~ anticipated that any <br />recommendations that resulted from the process would be forwarded to the council by the <br />commission sometime in May 2001. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson passed. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner reported that members of the two citizens committees formed as a part of the <br />council's adoption of a resolution calling for a River Road/Santa Clara planning process had been <br />appointed. He indicated he would provide the council with the names of the members. Mr. <br />Meisner noted the cancellation of an interview with a candidate for the Budget Committee later in <br />the evening and said the other candidate, Michael Caprai, had been appointed to the Santa Clara <br />committee. Given that, he suggested the council may want to reopen the Budget Committee <br />appointment process. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner anticipated a construction kick-off would be occur for the new library, possibly during <br />the upcoming council holiday recess. <br /> <br />Mr. Rayor recollected that the council had discussed a drug treatment component in conjunction <br />with the passage of the prostitution-free zone ordinance. Since then, Ballot Measure 3 had <br />passed, which had an impact on the current funding level for treatment, and Lane County <br />received a three-year, $500,000 grant for drug addiction treatment. He requested information on <br />what those events meant in terms of the City's contributions to the Intergovernmental Human <br />Services Fund for those services. Mr. Rayor did not think anyone had a good grasp of all the <br />separate pieces of the existing system. He noted that $30,000 of the grant dollars received by <br />Lane County were intended to address the type of treatment the City needed to support its <br />ordinance. He had intended to request that staff develop a motion that directed $20,000 of the <br />City's contribution to supplement the grant funding but was now not sure it was necessary. Mr. <br />Rayor said he needed more information. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson suggested that the council have a discussion the practice of designating how <br />Intergovernmental Human Services dollars were spent, pointing out the practice lessened the <br />intergovernmental nature of the program. Mr. Rayor said that many of his concerns had to do <br />with accountability. <br /> <br />Mr. Torrey encouraged staff to find out what it could about Ballot Measure 7 as soon as possible. <br />He said that he needed to know how to respond to constituents with questions. He urged <br />caution in how the City moved forward. <br /> <br />Mr. Torrey referred to council committee assignments and said he would send out a draft <br />recommendation to all councilors for their review and to make adjustments to committees. He <br />particularly noted the lack of interest in the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission. <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council November 15, 2000 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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