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November 8, 2000, Work Session, November 15, 2000, Interviews for Boards, <br /> Commissions, and Committees <br /> <br /> B. Approval of Tentative Agenda <br /> <br /> Councilor Nathanson, seconded by Councilor Fart, moved to approve the <br /> items on the Consent Calendar. <br /> <br />Councilor Kelly offered a correction to the work session of October 11, 2000. He said that the <br />motion made by Councilor Bettman was incomplete and added the following words to the motion; <br />"...Section 9.4290 (3) of the/ND Nodal Development overlay zone and..." On the same set of <br />minutes, Councilor Kelly said that the motion that was reviewed by Planning Director Jan Childs <br />on page 2 should be augmented by the addition of items 5-9. <br /> <br />Referring to page 10 of the November 1, 2000, work session, Councilor Kelly noted that there was <br />a word missing in a motion and requested that the motion read " create additional..." <br /> <br />Referring to page 13 of the minutes of October 16, 2000, work session, Councilor Bettman askied <br />that the second sentence in paragraph 10 be revised to read "...the other side of the equation.. <br /> <br />Referring to paragraph 4 on page 7 of the minutes of the November 8, 2000, work session, <br />Councilor Bettman requested the fourth sentence be changed to read "She felt that the target for <br />bicycles was inadequate." She asked that the phrase "from the grass" in paragraph 4 on the <br />same page be changed to "from the grass in the park." Referring to page 8 of the same minutes, <br />she said that the second sentence of paragraph 5 should end "...for the University to externalize <br />its impact and costs on the City." <br /> <br />Referring to the November 15, 2000, minutes, Councilor Bettman noted that interview question 5 <br />was replace by the following question: "What is your top strategy for increasing density in the <br />UGB?" and "What is your top strategy for revitalizing downtown?" <br /> <br />In addition to the corrections, the following changes to the record were requested: <br /> <br />Councilor Nathanson pulled the November 8, 2000, work session minutes. Referring to page 4, <br />she suggested the fourth sentence in paragraph 7 be changed as follows: "She said that land <br />use actions, whether zoning or another kind of regulation, could either reduce a properties value <br />or lead to windfall gains. She was concerned that the voters, statewide, did not understand the <br />given and take in the issue and the risk and opportunity involved in property ownership." <br />Councilor Nathanson also suggested substitute language for paragraph 12 on page 7 of the same <br />minutes: "...thatshe sometimes traveled to games by walking, bicycling and riding the bus, and <br />there was often congestion to the north." <br /> <br /> Roll call vote; the motion passed unanimously, 7:0 <br /> <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council November 27, 2000 Page 2 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />