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CC Minutes - 11/27/00 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 11/27/00 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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IV. PUBLIC HEARING AND POSSIBLE ACTION: An Ordinance Concerning Real Property <br /> Compensation; Renumbering Sections 2.030 and 2.070 of the Eugene Code, 1971 to <br /> 2.150 and 2.170 Respectively, and Adding Sections 2.040, 2.045, 2.050, 2.055, 2.060, <br /> and 2.065 to That Code; and Providing for an Immediate Date <br /> <br />City Attorney Glenn Klein summarized the criteria for claims filed under Ballot Measure 7. He said <br />that when the measure took effect on December 7, he expected that people would be desirous of <br />filing claims. He said that the proposed ordinance identified what type of information people <br />would need to submit to the city with their claims and then provided a process for the City to <br />handle the claims. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilor Kelly regarding who the governing body in an appeal to a <br />council decision would be, Mr. Klein said that if the council decided to waive a regulation, then the <br />appeal body would be the Land Use Board of Appeals. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilor Kelly regarding the choices allowed to the council on a <br />claim and whether there was a federal equal protection issue, Mr. Klein said he did not believe <br />there would be an issue. The equal protection clause requires a rational basis for treating people <br />differently, and because the circumstances of each claim would not be identical, there would not <br />be an equal protection issue. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilor Nathanson regarding a deterrent in the ordinance for <br />frivolous claims, Mr. Klein said that, based on what was happening in the rest of the state, he <br />expected some frivolous claims to be filed in Eugene. He said that part of the application <br />requirement was a fee that would have to be paid before a claim would be reviewed. He added <br />that the fee would be refunded if the claim was deemed valid. <br /> <br />City Manager Johnson noted that part of the application requirement was an appraisal by an <br />appraiser licensed by the State of Oregon. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilor Rayor regarding how the ordinance was modeled, Mr. <br />Klein said that it was prepared from the best ordinances from a number of jurisdictions. <br /> <br />In response to a comment from Councilor Bettman regarding requiring people's property taxes to <br />be current before a claim could be filed, Mr. Klein said that under the language of Ballot Measure <br />7, such a rule would not be allowed because it went beyond information that the City would need <br />to process the claim. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilor Pap8 regarding who settled the compensation amount, <br />Mr. Klein said that the City Manager would inform the council of the property owner's claim <br />amount and the amount that the City Manager thought it should be. He noted that if the council <br />paid less than what the property owner claimed, the property owner would still be able to go to <br />court and possibly get a judgement for the amount of the difference. <br /> <br />Mr. Klein said that he expected changes to the ordinance as it was learned what other <br />jurisdictions, the courts, and the legislature were doing about the ordinance. <br />City Manager Johnson noted that the City would be hiring appraisers to respond to claims being <br />made. <br /> <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council November 27, 2000 Page 4 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />
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