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Item C: West Broadway Project Update
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2007
CC Agenda - 05/14/07 Work Session
Item C: West Broadway Project Update
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6/9/2010 1:18:00 PM
Creation date
5/10/2007 8:59:59 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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– <br />This item is also related to one of the new 2007-2008 City Council Goals: Downtown Initiative <br /> <br />Facilitate significant revitalization of downtown core. <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />The following four options have been identified. Please note that the postponed motion from the May 9 <br />work session has been added and is now Option 1. <br /> <br />Option 1: Select Beam Development & KWG Development Partners <br /> <br />Select Beam and KWG as the developers for the West Broadway project, and direct the Agency Director <br />to initiate actions related to agreements with the developers; public process that includes a citizen <br />advisory committee with an independent urban planner/facilitator whose work shall be completed by the <br />end of August and presented to the Agency in September; option agreements; financial tools (including <br />an Urban Renewal Plan amendment and HUD Section 108); and a relocation/transition plan, all <br />th <br />consistent with the Agency’s May 9 discussion, with all proposed actions, other than option agreement <br />renewals and extensions, brought back to the Agency for final authorization. This motion further directs <br />the Agency Director to secure the services of a qualified urban planner/facilitator to oversee the public <br />process for the West Broadway development site footprint, and to establish a West Broadway <br />Development Advisory Committee to work with a qualified urban planner/facilitator, and the <br />developers, to identify preferred design elements, mix of uses, public open spaces, options for parking, <br />as well as a transition plan for existing businesses. The Agency and the Advisory Committee would also <br />seek additional public input. The Advisory Committee shall be composed of 11 members, with each <br />councilor selecting one member and the Mayor selecting three members. In addition, the Agency <br />Director shall secure the services of a qualified consultant to perform market analysis and economic <br />feasibility studies. This research and analysis will inform the Agency and the Advisory Committee’s <br /> <br />deliberations. <br /> <br />Option 2: Select KWG Development Partners <br /> <br />Option 2 is a comprehensive approach to the redevelopment of West Broadway and assumes a <br />significant commitment of financial resources. Upon selection, staff would begin working with KWG to <br />develop more concrete project details, particularly related to the level of financial participation from the <br />URA. Staff would also work with the URA, the community, and KWG to develop and initiate a public <br />involvement plan for the project. Option 2 would require the URA to maintain the existing purchase <br />option agreements on the West Broadway properties and to continue negotiations on key properties that <br />are not currently under option. In May, detailed financial strategies related to the KWG proposal would <br />be brought to the URA for consideration. <br /> <br />Option 3:Select Beam Development <br /> <br />Option 3 would lead to the renovation of the Centre Court building and the Washburne building, and a <br />yet-to-be-defined level of new construction in the adjacent vacant land. This option assumes a more <br />modest commitment of financial resources. Upon selection, staff would begin working with Beam to <br />develop more concrete project details, particularly related to the level of financial participation from the <br />URA. Staff would also work with the URA, the community, and Beam to develop and initiate a public <br />involvement plan for the project. Option 3 would require the URA to maintain the existing purchase <br />option agreements on the Centre Court and Washburne properties. The URA would let the options on <br />the remaining properties expire. In May, detailed financial strategies related to the Beam proposal <br />L:\CMO\2007 Council Agendas\M070514\S070514C.doc <br /> <br />
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